Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:TRIGger Commands
Command Syntax
:TRIGger[:EDGE]:SOURce <source>
<source> ::= {CHANnel<n> | EXTernal | WGEN | WGEN1 | WMOD}
<n> ::= 1 to (# analog channels) in NR1 format
Note: WAVE and WGEN1 are equivalent.
The :TRIGger[:EDGE]:SOURce command selects the input that produces the
• EXTernal — triggers on the rear panel EXT TRIG IN signal.
• WGEN, WGEN1 — triggers at the 50% level of the rising edge of the waveform
generator output signal. This option is not available when the DC, NOISe, or
CARDiac waveforms are selected.
• WMOD — when waveform generator FSK or FM modulation is used, triggers at
the 50% level of the rising edge of the modulating signal.
Query Syntax
The :TRIGger[:EDGE]:SOURce? query returns the current source. If all channels are
off, the query returns "NONE."
Return Format
<source> ::= {CHAN<n> | EXT | WGEN | WGEN1 | WMOD | NONE}
See Also
"Introduction to :TRIGger Commands"
Example Code
' TRIGGER_EDGE_SOURCE - Selects the channel that actually produces th
' edge trigger.
Any channel can be selected.
myScope.WriteString ":TRIGger:EDGE:SOURce CHANnel1"
See complete example programs at: