KEYKING GROUP 6630KE Keypads Reader Operation Manual (1.00)
Page 7
Keyking Group Limited
33 Jabotinski St., Twin Tower 1, Ramat Gan, 52511,Israel
website: www.keyking.net E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 3: Keypads Output
3.1 Keypad Message
The reader will processes the keypad entries in the reader and then transmits the data to the host
system via the Wiegand data lines. The reader outputs each key as an ASCII encoded hexadecimal
digit. The decoding of the message sent through the Wiegand interface is the only processing required
of the host system. The user interface has been implemented in the most generic fashion to give the
integrator the most flexibility.
The keypad message follows a basic format.
0 = 0000 4 = 0100 8 = 1000
1 = 0001 5 = 0101 9 = 1001
2 = 0010 6 = 0110 * = 1010
3 = 0011 7 = 0111 # = 1011
The reader will transmit every key value individually, after it was pushed.
For example:
If you push “1”, then the reader will transmit “0001” to the host (Panel or controller).
If you push “1” and “2”, then the reader will transmit “0001” to the host (Panel or controller), then
tranmit “0010” to the host.