8 HX3.5 Mainboard
Menu Panel
On power on, the
Preset/Drawbar Menu
is present. Pressing the
rotary knob twice briefly will let you return to the home position from
any other menu position.
Turn the rotary knob to scroll through the menu. A hatched arrow indicates the menu position.
Press the rotary knob once to edit a parameter value
. A white arrow indicates the selected
entry that may be altered. Turn the rotary knob to change that value. Press the rotary know once
again to continue scrolling through the menu.
In the preset/drawbar menu the rotary knob selects the
Presets 0
… 99
. Presets consist of
drawbar settings, tab switch settings (percussion, vibrato etc.), volume and 122 tube amp gain as
well as all other effects, including rotary. Preset 0 takes over the live setting of the drawbars (not
with HX3 MIDI Expander) and restores all other settings as they were when leaving Preset 0.
Scroll downwards (= turn the rotary knob clockwise) to the drawbar
presets (
) for for
pper manual,
ower manual, and
Preset 0 takes over the live setting of the drawbars (not with HX3
MIDI Expander). 15 more settings may be stored and recalled. This ensures compatibility with
organs equipped with preset keys. The top display line shows the drawbar positions as numbers
from 0
– 8.
Scroll down one more step to get to the
Master Volume
setting. Master Volume adjusts the
overall volume for all outputs. Higher values are recommended for the best signal to noise ratio.
Scroll down to the
TubeAmp Gain
setting. TubeAmp Gain sets the
internal tube amp simulation. The amplifier saturates and distorts at
high values and higher swell pedal settings like a true tube amp. The
degree of distortion is thus controlled by the swell pedal.
A star appears at the bottom right of the display, if a parameter value has been changed and
differs from the stored preset. To
values as
, keep the encoder knob pressed until the
“Save to Preset #XX” appears on the display. (“XX” representing the current preset
number). Alter the number as desired and press the knob once again to have all settings stored.
Parameter values tagged by the letter
are part of a single preset. Values tagged by
apply to
all presets and are stored as
. Values tagged by
, or
are part of the current voice for
upper, lower, or pedal. These are stored in the preset as well.
Please note:
The HX3 menu has two levels. The top-level
main menu
(left column in the
following overview) contains the parameters that are frequently used. In the
of the
respective function group you will find less frequently required parameters and fine adjustments.
Press the lower button to go to a submenu. An
“S” symbol appears at the bottom right of the
display. Press the upper button to return to the main menu.
The menus are arranged as a loop. So you may reach any menu entry by either scrolling upwards
or downwards.