6. About Statistics Function
The product is equipped with the statistics function that calculates average values and
so on.
● Statistical contents
Calculates average values, standard deviations, maximum values, and minimum
● Preparation for statistics
Measured data must be stored in memory for statistics.
Set "Data memory" to "Enable" (→P.31).
● Data Storage
When measured data is saved, a data number starting from 1 is assigned to each data
in order. Each data belongs to a block and a group and is used as a statistical range.
<Image of data storage>
• Block
A block is a smaller unit of measured data classification, and can store any consecutive
numbers of measured data. Blocks are numbered from 1, and each time a block is
updated, the number increases to block 2, block 3, and so on.
• Group
A group is a larger unit of measured data classification, which is a data classification
that stores arbitrary blocks together. Non-consecutive blocks can be grouped together
because a group with which each block can be registered can be specified. Groups
can be named up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
* If a group whose blocks contain measured data is changed to another, the blocks are
updated at the same time.
* The measured data is saved in the group and block specified before the measurement. It
cannot be moved to another block or group after measurement.
● Statistical method
There are two methods to perform statistics; one is a method to specify data to be
statistically calculated after measurement (data statistics), and the other is a method
to specify the place (block and group) to which data is put before measurement and
to statistically calculate the data therein (block statistics, group statistics). For further
information, see page 25.
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Block 4
Block 6
Block 5
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Data number