10. Move the Kestrel to the 2nd salt jar and make sure that the jar lid is closed tightly. (For three button
Kestrel 3000-3500 Series units, the 2nd jar will be the 74.0% (High) RH jar. For Two-Button 3000 units the
2nd jar will be the 32.8% (Low) jar.) Return the jars to the zipper pouch and if using, into the insulated
cooler as well. Let the kit sit for an additional 24 hour equilibration period.
10. After the 24 hour equilibration period, open the 2nd jar and while keeping the jar opening covered as
much as possible, quickly remove the Kestrel unit and following the instructions below start the second
calibration routine.
Kestrel 3000-3500 (Three-Button)
11. With the screen showing C2, press the center button to start a 60 minute countdown.
The screen will flash between C2 and the remaining number of minutes till the second
calibration measurement is taken.
Kestrel 3000 (Two-Button)
11. With the screen showing C2, press Mode to start a 60 minute countdown. The screen will
flash between C2 and the preprogramed RH calibration value for 60 minutes till the second
calibration measurement is taken.
12. After ensuring the lid is closed tightly, return the jars to the zipper case and if using, return the zipper
case to the insulated cooler. Make a note of what time the calibration routine will end.
13. After the countdown for the second calibration measurement has ended, remove the Kestrel from the
14. Press the Mode button to return to the normal mode of operation. Wipe or rinse the unit clean. Your
Kestrel is now recalibrated and ready to take accurate measurements