8.1 General
Please clean the scale each week and do calibration every year.
If the scale does not operate properly, find out the problem as possible.
Determine whether the problem is constant or alternate. Be aware that problems can be
caused by mechanical or electrical influences.
Check the following.
Corrosive materials
Vibrations or temperature or wind
Physical damage
Check the scale cables for damage, and check all connections and connecters for any loose
contact or incorrect connection
8.2 Error Codes
Error Code
Err 4
Zero range exceeded, due to
turning on or by pressing
Goods on the platform
Overload, when zeroing
the scale.
Improper calibration
Load cell problem
PCB problem
Err 6
A/D Count out of the range
Platform not installed
Load cell problem
PCB problem
8.3 Determine the Problem
Determine whether the problem is in the PCB or the Load Cell
Disconnect the power supply from the scale, and disconnect the load cell connection
from the PCB
Reapply power and test the PCB
If problem goes away, its source is probably in the Load cell. Check the wiring,
connecter, load cell and mechanical components of the load cell.
If problem persists, its source is probably in the PCB. Check the PCB voltages,
connecters, cables and function programs
8.4 Check the Load cell
Remove power from the system, and disconnect the PCB from the Load cell
Make sure all leads are connected and correctly.
Check load cell for proper input and output resistances