KFP V40-IA-e-1211
6.3 Assembly, levelling
Accurate weighing results require a weighing bridge with perfect horizontal
alignment. During initial installation and after each change of work area it is
necessary to level the weighing bridge.
Placing the weighing bridge:
1. Prior to the final placing, install the four weighing cell feet.
2. Place the weighing bridge equally on the installation site and check if it is in an
even position and all four feet are in contact with the floor. Level the weighing
bridge by turning the weighing cell feet. For this purpose use an external levelling
appliance, e.g. a water level.
3. Ensure that the connecting cable is not damaged or squeezed during lifting and
Placing the weighing bridge with access ramps and/or foot plates:
Prior to step 2 (see Placing the weighing bridge) mark and fix the position of the
ramps or the foot plates.
Place the weighing bridge equally on the installation site. In the area of the
installation site of the weighing bridge, especially in the area of the weighing cell
feet, observe the evenness and the horizontal alignment of the foot plates and
ramps. Compensate minor height differences with the help of the adjustable
weighing cell feet. For this purpose use an external levelling appliance, e.g. a
water level.
Ensure that the connecting cable is not damaged or squeezed during lifting and
The weighing bridge must be aligned with the help of a
water level.
All setting feet must rest equally.
Verified weighing systems:
In case of verified weighing systems the weighing bridge must be
firmly fixed on the floor. This is essential for the reproducibility of
the measuring results. Optionally using two access ramps or two
pairs of foot plates or a combination of both.