4 Kerio Operator Box Installation and Configuration
Once a suitable place has been located for the appliance and it has been plugged into a power
outlet according to the safety instructions, it is time to connect it to the network and configure
1. Connect Ethernet port number 1 to the network using an Ethernet cable.
Note: Alternatively, you can use port number 2 which includes a DHCP client.
2. Power the device with the power switch. For 3000 series, the power switch is located in
the rear of the device.
3. On the computer you wish to use for the Kerio Operator configuration, set the following
TCP/IP parameters:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Setting the default gateway and DNS servers is not necessary for the Kerio Operator con
4. The Kerio Operator PBX is configured through the Kerio Web Administration interface. To
connect to this interface, open a web browser and enter the following URL based on the
IP address of the appliance:
5. Ignore the SSL certificate warning.
6. If the URL is correct, a dialog is displayed where you create a password for the administra
tor’s account (Admin account). Once this dialog is confirmed, the standard login page
appears requiring the same username and password to access the Kerio Operator Web
Note: Alternatively, you can use the serial port to connect the console to the device. After
the server starts, you can get information about the actual network configuration or you
can use the console to restart or turn off the appliance. Set your terminal application in
the following mode: 9600, 8, N, 1.
5 Additional Information
For further assistance with configuration, please refer to additional documentation available at:
For online and community based support resources please visit:
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Quick Installation Guide