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Summary of Contents for TR-7625

Page 1: ...2m FM TRANSCEIVER ...

Page 2: ...5W RF output power CONTENTS GENERAL CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION General 3 PLL Circuit 3 SPECIAL SEMICONDUCTOR DATA 6 OUTS1DE VIEWS 8 INSIDE VIEWS 9 PC BOARD VIEWS TX RX Unit X44 1320 10 10 TONE Unit X52 1110 51 10 PLL Unit X50 1580 10 11 Control Unit X54 1440 10 Indicator Switch PC board 12 PARTS LIST General 13 TX RX Unit X44 1320 10 14 PLL Unlt X50 1580 10 16 Control Unit X54 1440 10 17 Tone Unit X52 11...

Page 3: ... 5 NlHz It features a programmable counter reference osc llator frequency bulltin repeater shift clrcult and memory circuit and dlv der and phase detector Frequency d v s o n ratlo provlslon for connect onof an opt onal m cro processor memory and remote n d c a t o n funct ons are all controlled by remote control BCD codes PLL CIRCUIT BLOCK DIAGRAM OUTPUT 0 10 240MHr MUL Fig 1 PLL Circuit ...

Page 4: ...rcrystal frequency varl cap d o d e so the frequency d v s o n remalns unchanged even when the 5 kHz clrcult IS operated The memory clrcult also ncludes the same b t and func tlons even when the 5 kHz clrcult IS operating 3 Shift Circuit Transm tfrequenc escan be sh ftedby c h a n g n gthe local osc llatorcrystal frequency as shown below 144 and 145 MHz bands shlft 43 5667 MHz Sl 43 7667 MHz The I...

Page 5: ...tage her cal tunlng clrcult and MOS FET RF ampllf er T h s s gnal IS further fed to the mlxer MOS FET where t1 s converted to a 1 0 7 MHz s gnal The s gnal thus converted passes through the 2 stage f lter and IS fed to the 2nd mlxer where tIS converted to a 455 kHz s gnalThe 2nd IF s gnal from the 455 kHz ceramlc f lterpasses through the lhm terclrcult where t I S converted to an AF slgnal by the ...

Page 6: ...ts of OSC reference osc llatorclrcult DIVIDER reference fre quency dlvld ngclrcult PC programmable counter PD phase comparator and INV Inverter A nlgh accuracy feed back type crystal osc llatorclrcult can be formed by addlng a crystal osclllatlng element reslstor and capacitor between the Qln and Qout termlnals of the reference osclllator clrcutt Thls also permlts an external slgnal to be fed to t...

Page 7: ...T iDualGatel Vasx 20V V G S t10V V62s t 1 O V ID 25 mA PT 200 mW TCH 125 C Tsro 5 5 1 1 2 5 C Electrical Characteristic of M 5 7 7 1 2 H TA 25 C unless otherw senoted Maxmum Specif catoris TEST CONDITION W SOURCE Item Operat ng Voltage DC Current Operat ng Temperature Storage Fig 7 3SK74 Outline Condition Symbol Vcc Icc Tc O P I TSTG 1 Input Term nal RFI 2 Power Supply of Dr veStage DRB 3 Power Su...

Page 8: ... Knob K29 0713 04 channel Knob A I 1 I Knob Mode K21 0732 03 K21 0731 03 K I Knob MHz I I K21 0741 03 W T 1 A 1 5 rnrn Allen key Channel Knob 6 Push knob Power switch required K23 0718 04 K21 0733 03 K29 0713 04 S36 2402 05 M Type Receptacle E04 0152 05 I Heat Sink F01 0731 05 I a Mating Connect01 I E11 0003 15 4plSocket Slide Switch S31 1402 05 IE08 0471 05 K A E09 0471 05 IK ...

Page 9: ... INSIDE VIEWS TONE U n t X52 1110 51 T TX RX U n t RF Power Module I 1 I Low Power Ad Protect on Adj I RF Meter Adj sk BOTTOM V I E W Control Unit IX54 1440 10 K X54 1440 61 W T PLL U n t IX50 1580 10 K X50 1580 61 W T ...

Page 10: ...TX RX UNlT X44 1320 10 PC BOARD TONE UNlT X52 1110 51 T TYPE ...

Page 11: ...PC BOARD PLL UNIT X50 1580 10 C 3 rif T 1 i 2 2 1 INPUT OUTPUT NG D U lJ 3 GND 2 3 1 ...

Page 12: ... 1440 10 525 2668 04 Indicator J25 2664 04 Switch ICq S TC4038BP Ql 8 2SCIO SM IC4 S TC40IBBP Q7 2SAlOl8M ICl TCS022BP t a 11 10 ICI4tt TC4 MlP W D23 IS1888 1ct411 TC M P II D WZIW 102 FS 78WM 028 TL8 208 DPI TLR 205 Dm 80 5130K ...

Page 13: ... lo2 2200Q 12 2kQ 00 0 101 Q102 MISCELLANEOUS Significant figure Multiplier Example 22 1 22051 222 2 2k61 223 22kQ 224 220kil 225 2 2MIl V30 1043 06 V04 0880 16 V l l 0 1 7 1 0 5 V11 0076 05 D ode SR3AM 2 Dlode 181555 Power module M577 12H Trans stor 2SD880 Y Re marks I a a ir a i Q f i a a Ref No a Parts No E06 0252 05 E08 047 1 05 E09 0471 05 E l 1 0003 15 E12 0001 05 E23 0043 04 E23 0015 04 FOl...

Page 14: ... K 4 5 B l H 1 0 2 K CS15E1VR47M CE04W1C 4 7 0 CC45CH1H220J CE04W1A 4 7 0 CK45F1 H103Z C K 4 5 B l H 1 0 2 K C E 0 4 W l C 1 0 1 0 CC45SL2H070D CC45SL2H680J CC45SL2H390J CC45SL2HlOOJ CC45SL2H 180J C K 4 5 F l H 1 0 3 Z C C H I HOR5C CC45CH 1H020C CK45B1 H102K CK45F1 H103Z CC45CH1 H330J C C 4 5 R H l H 0 7 0 D CC45CH 1H 150H CC45CH 1H050C CC45CH 1H220J C C 4 5 R H l H 0 7 0 D CK45F1H 1032 C K 4 5 B...

Page 15: ...nductor 1mH Fern Inductor 150mH Quartz crystal 10 7 MHz Choke c o l 15pH IFT IFT Fern Inductor 3 3pH Ferr Inductor 1 mH Tunlng c o l Tun ng c o l Tun ng c o l Tun ng c o l Fern Inductor 1 mH VHFcoll 344T VHF c o l 346T Ferr Inductor 10pH IFT VHFcoll 5d3T Choke c o l l p H VHFcoll 5d3T IFT VHFcoll 344T Ceram c d s c r 4 5 5 D Fern Inductor 6 8 rnH Choke c o l 1pH VHFcoll 594T Choke c o l l p H Tunl...

Page 16: ...F 510 Electrolytic 100pF lOWV Mylar 0 001pF l o Ceramic 330pF l o Mylar 0 0047pF 510 Electrolytic 100pF 16WV Electrolytic 1OpF 16WV Electrolytic 33pF 1OWV Mylar 0 039pF f10 Electrolytic 33pF 1OWV Electrolytic 100pF 1OWV Mylar 0 1pF l o Electrolytic 470pF 16WV Electrolytic 47pF 1OWV Ceramic 7pF fO 5pF Ceramic 15pF f 5 Ceramic 3pF f0 25pF Ceramic 0 01pF 80 20 Electrolyt c 1 0 F 16WV Ceramic 0 001pF ...

Page 17: ...t 0 0039pF f 5 Electrolytic 22pF 16WV Electrolytic 1pF 50WV Ceramic lOOOpF l o Tantalum 15pF f10 Ceramic lOOOpF _lo Tantalum 15pF f 10 CE04W 1C470Q CE04W 1A470 R90 05 14 05 R90 0516 05 R90 0515 05 V03 1815 06 VO1 1015 06 V30 1006 46 V30 1049 06 V30 1054 06 V30 1006 36 V30 1025 26 Vll 0051 05 Vll 0076 05 Vll 0307 05 Vll 3162 86 V l l 3 162 96 V11 4161 66 529 1406 05 529 1408 05 529 1405 05 540 2405...

Page 18: ...4 N99 0304 04 N15 1040 46 Screw x 4 N09 0008 04 G13 0616 14 I C J Cushion B G13 0617 04 Fig 9 2 Bracket Installation EXPLODED VIEW I Case removal 11 Panel removal 1 Remove the b n d screws 2 w 1 Remove the knobs 2 Remove the upper and lower cases 2 Remove screws 0 Fig 10 Panel and Case Removal ...

Page 19: ...E06 0552 05 4P Metal Socket W E06 0453 05 Power Switch F15 0623 04 S Meter B31 0616 05 Meter Stopper J21 2603 04 1 each Fig 11 Disassembly of Front Panel TROUBLESHOOTING 1 PLL CIRCUIT No lock Q21 Q22 D25 Defect ve p Stopped Rotary sw tch rnulfunct on NG Q19 TA7060P defective NG 4 D No 10 240 MHz L17 o r 0 1 5 osc llat on defect ve NG Readjust ...

Page 20: ...P2 and Q1O1 i n the 2 Check power supply voltage 3 Check PLL output level About 2 1W 1 Check whether meter lamp is Ilt green Power 4 2 Confirm HI LOW switch setting 0K No LOW POWER 1 VR4 adiustment TX RX unit Almost no power 1 Microphone defective or poor plug contact Insufficient o r n o No sound 2 IC or VR defective in MIC amplifier Monitor sound quality 3 Poor contact at VR1 VR2 in TX RX unit 4...

Page 21: ... no noise k No squelch function 4 Frequency Counter Frequency response 150 MHz min Min input sensitivity about 50 mV Input impedance 1 MR min 1 Check ceramic discriminator 2 Check TR and IC in AF section 3 Check speaker 4 Check EXT SP jack 5 Check squelch circuit operation 5 Oscilloscope With horizontal input and high sensitivity Frequency response 3 MHz min 6 Power Meter with Dummy Lead Frequency...

Page 22: ...m 2 rurn the 113 core counter 0 46V ypp clockwise 180 from oscll 2 PLL RF VTVM 100 kHz SW 0 10 kHzSW 0 5 kHz SW 5 kHz I 1Tp4 1 pLL FTG x HZ 71 MHz SW 5 Frequency PLL MODE SW 3 1 SENDIREC SW SEND 10 MHz s w 4 5 kHz SW 0 MODE SW S I 1 VRl 1 3 3 3 0 0 0 M H z 1 1 SENDIREC REC FCOUNTER PLL PLL PLL 1 13 3000 H z 0 Hz 133 7000 MHz 500Hz 1 MODESW I I SENDiREC SNED Recheck the frequericles n ltem 5 throug...

Page 23: ... 291 l O k H z S W 0 1 9 0 F Counter 1 1 1 136 3000 MHz 500 Hz 133 3000 MHz 500 Hz 1 3 4 3000 MHz f500 Hz 7 steps and should re turn to the o r g n a l frequency at the 4 posltlon The frequency should 1 become h gher thdn 133 3000 MHz In 100 kHz steps and should return to the o r g n a l frequency at the 0 posltlon The frequency should become h gher than 1 3 3 3 0 0 0 MHzln 1 0 kHz steps and shoul...

Page 24: ... Terrn nal U n t MAX Repeat procedure two or three tlmes P a t s 3 MHz SW 4 1 If RF output 1s less than 2 5 W adjust L 2 1 spaclng and TC2 for best efflcl ency at rated 100 kHz SW 0 l O k H z S W 0 T X R X I L13 M A X POWER SW OY k 2 I M Hz S W 6 1 POWER M I I TX RX I TC2 Adjust TC2 L21 for Max Less than 6 More than 2 5 W 1 0 0 kHz S W 0 1 0 k H z S W 0 I D C A M I Rear panel 3 Sarne as above 4 M ...

Page 25: ...ADJUSTNIENTS t ...

Page 26: ...H VR MIN EXT SP term nal AF VTVM 8R Osc lloscope 1 ANT term nal SWEEP GEN Osc lloscope VERT GAIN MAX 1 REMOTE SW OFF ANT SSG DEV 5 kHz MOD 1 KHz SSG OUTPUT Approx l O d B 2pV AF GAlN 0 63V 8 2 21 SSG OUTPUT 5 10 dB 1 SSG OUTPUT 3 0 d B 1 SSG OUTPUT 0 dB 0 5pV Adjust Instruments Oscillo scope Detector AF VTVM S METER S METER AF VTVM Reference 147 000 MHz Check that LED s n d c a t e7 000 144 000 MH...

Page 27: ...VR4 VR5 S N 2 0 d B S N 2 0 d B SIN 40 dB C r l t a l polnt 9 0 0 1 1 0 0 When slgnal IS appl ed squelch should open Instrument AF VTVM Oscillo scope or speaker to No se ratlo 6 d B 0 2511V 7 SQUELCH 144MHz Reference 100 kHz SW 0 10 kHz SW 0 31 MHz SW 7 1OOkHzSW 9 10 kHz SW 9 4 1 MHz SW 5 lOkHzSW 9 SSG OUTPUT 40 dB 50pV DEV 3 5kHz l SSG OUTPUT OFF SQUELCH threshold on 2 SSG OUTPUT 6dB 1 0 25pV SQU...

Page 28: ...IGNMENT AND TEST POINT LOCATIONS TX RX Unit X44 1320 10 TEST AND ALIGNMENT SET UPS 1 PLL Adjustments Fig 1 Fig 2a TX adjustments DC VTVM RF VTVM DC VTVM RF V N M High Z Frequency counter Frequency counter 0 0 m q ...

Page 29: ...FT rl Fig 2c TX adjustments 1 12 ABNORMAL OSCILLATION 1 Osc lloscope Load and Power Meter L nearDetector r a A u d o VTVM DC Power Suoolv D rect onal Coupler L T A u d o General 1 Fig 2d TX adjustments Fig 3a RX adjustments 10 PROTECTION Load and Power Meter DC VTVM DC Power Su Osc lloscope Fig 3b RX adjustments Osc lloscope AF VTVM DEV 5 kHz MOD 1 kHz J ...

Page 30: ... T X RX UNIT X44 1320 10 0 02pF Audio section 1PF SSG w To measurement point PLL UNlT 0 C TX RX UNlT X44 1320 1 0 X50 15 l q fc 146 0 MHz fs 1 kHz MODE 5 kHz DEV TRANSMITTER SECTION RFO TTT ANT 5011 1 Condition TX setting 146 0 MHz HI ...

Page 31: ...BLOCK DIAGRAM K SM5111A k V m F 7 C ...

Page 32: ...1 INPUT 2 OUTPUT 1 3 GND ...

Page 33: ... MATIC DIAGRAM K ...

Page 34: ...X 6 mlnus TX 6 plus TX 4 s i 6s 6s 4 M 6 M 6P 144 simplex SQ Squelch VR 147MHz 0 0 I I 0 I I info to swltch on Q1 Q5 and 1 4 4 HZ I 1 0 0 I 0 0 O O T6 R6 146 simplex SM S meter signal Q6 Local OSC 0 0 144 offset E Earth 146 offset S Speaker VCT Vari cap tune 146 offset MIC MIC 6 VDC in TX TON Tone signal In 145MHz I I 0 0 I 0 0 T9 TB SB SBS ST DS LR LT PRO RFO FIB DRB RFI L BA FB 146MHz 0 0 I I 0 ...


Page 36: ...00R Microphone Dynamic microphone with PTT switch 50011 RECEIVER SECTION Circuitry Intermediate Frequency Sensitivity Squelch Sensitivity Pass Band Width Selectivity 2Signal Image Rejection Spurious Interference Intermodulation Audio Output Double superheterodyne 1st IF 10 7 MHz 2nd IF 455 kHz Less than 0 4 FV for 20 dB quieting Less than 1 FV for 30 dB S N Less than 0 25 FV Better than 12 kHz at ...
