Playing all the songs on the disc in random order.
Press the [RDM ] button.
Each time the button is pressed Random Play turns ON or OFF.
When it's ON, "RDM ON" is displayed.
When the [
] button is pressed, the next song select starts.
Random Play
Successively play the beginning of each disc on a changer
until you find the one that you w ant to listen to.
Start Disc Scan
Press the [D.SCN] button.
"DSCN ON" is displayed.
The disc number blinks.
Release it w hen the disc you w ant to listen to is played
Press the [D.SCN] button.
D isc Scan (Funct ion of disc changer)
Release it w hen the song you w ant to listen to is played
Press the [SCAN] button.
Playing the first part of each song on the disc you are listening
to and searching for the song you w ant to listen to.
Start Track Scan
Press the [SCAN] button.
"TSCN/SCAN ON" is displayed.
Track Scan
Replaying the track/disc you're listening to.
Press the [REP] button.
Each time the button is pressed the Repeat Play sw itches as
show n below.
Repeat play
Track Repeat
Album Repeat (Function of disc changer)
Track /A lbum Repeat
Selecting the disc you w ant to hear.
Press the [DISC–] or [DISC+] button.
A lbum Search (Funct ion of disc changer)
Selecting the song you w ant to hear.
Press the [
] or [
] button.
Track Search
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