Air Pollution: An Evil Taxing the Modern Life
Kent Wall-Mountable Air Purifier: The Solution
The air pollution also known as atmospheric pollution has become a complex issue to deal
with. It has been defined by W.H.O (World Health Organisation) as the presence of harmful
materials in excessive concentration which adversely affect the living beings and natural
environment. Large scale industrial, automobile and volcanic emissions (of fumes) are the
major factors responsible for this pollution. Some other factors degrading the air quality are
virus, bacteria and micro organisms. This is the reason why many people in the cities today
are developing cardiovascular & lung diseases.
The Kent Wall Mountable Air Purifier is a solution made to enhance the quality of your life
by making the surroundings ethereal. After being turned on, it quickly emancipates the
room’s atmosphere from harmful bacteria, pathogens, micro organisms, viruses, smoke,
chemicals, etc. This is a custom made gadget which guards its user from harmful and
highly contagious airborne diseases i.e. SARS, H1N1, etc. It occupies just L400 X W100
X H200mm of space and uses a power socket for executing the air purification operations
in a room. It discharges the powerful ozone gas for eradicating all forms of the air pollution
in the room.
KENT Ozone Technology
KENT Wall-Mountable Air purifier uses ozone gas to purify the air in your immediate
environment. Ozone gas is known to have an exceptional power to remove germs, chemical
and other pathogens. It is a resourceful oxidising agent with inherent competence to
exterminate bacteria, viruses and micro organisms from the air with precision.
What is Ozone?
Ozone is defined by the chemical formula of O
- a tri-atomic molecule holding three oxygen
atoms. It was German-Swiss Chemist, Christian Friedrich Schönbein who proposed ozone
as a new chemical substance after the Greek word ozein in 1840 – and the formula O
determined for it in the year 1865. In nature, Ozone is formed because of the exogenic
pressure of ultraviolet rays and atmospheric electrical discharges on dioxygen. This
powerful oxidant is abundantly present in the Earth’s atmosphere. The stratosphere (at 10
to 50km altitude) of the Earth's atmosphere holds the Ozone layer in low concentrations.
Here, it absorbs 97 to 99% of the Sun's ultraviolet rays and prevents them from entering the
earth's surface. On Earth's surface it can be found in abundance near seashores and
Sadly, air pollution is quickly depleting the ozone level in atmosphere. This is the reason,
why it is difficult to find ozone in metropolitan cities. The depletion of ozone layer has made
it imperative for us to find alternative sources of ozone.
Benefits of Ozone
Ozone possesses strong oxidative properties which are 1.5 times more effective than
chlorine in eliminating harmful colon bacillus, staphylococcus, flu viruses, bacteria, etc. The
countries with technical competence are already using it for medical & commercial
purposes. Europe was the first continent to benefit from the advantages of ozone generator
used on medical water disposure.
The concept of using oxygen and ozone for therapies has been prevalent since the late
nineteenth century. In 1856, many European hospitals started using ozone for disinfecting
the operating rooms. After few years, Ozone became a part of the water purification process
in Germany.
Benefits of KENT Wall-Mountable Air Purifier
• Deodorizes: This device rapidly neutralizes the stale or foul odour, making the
room environment fresh.
• Healthy: It oxidizes and decomposes formaldehyde for enhancing the user’s health.
• Disinfect: Efficiently eliminates bacteria from the room’s atmosphere
Salient Features of the KENT Wall-Mountable Air Purifier
Dr. J. A. Fontaine was the first person to use pure oxygen in 1879 for treating his patients.
The German Doctor, Albert Wolff made some more spectacular revelations in 1915 and
used ozone for treating the skin diseases. During World War I, ozone played a vital damage
control role in the German camp by healing wounds and anaerobic infections of the soldiers.
By 1950, ozone established a strong reputation for curing cancer and many other diseases
like tumour. Since 1990, many doctors have been using the ozone therapy in different ways
for curing patients.
• Performs fully automated air purification operations.
• Discharges the powerful ozone to purify air.
• Enables user to regulate the ozone discharge level.
• Removes harmful bacteria, pathogens, micro organisms,
viruses, smoke, chemicals, etc. from the room’s atmosphere.
• Programmed with three cycle modes and timing modes.
• Cost effective and easy to use ozonator.
• Easy to clean mechanism.