Kenmore Power-Mate 1162561190 Owner'S Manual Download Page 23

Summary of Contents for Power-Mate 1162561190

Page 1: ...t_ _t_ Vacuum Cleaner 0 WNER SMAN UAL READ THIS MANUAL for important safety assembly and operating instructions C_I ZAEXI _U_ 437_O6 ...

Page 2: ...STATES and Sears wli repair it free of charge If this vacuum cleaner Isused for commercla or rentai purposes the above warranty coverage applies for only 90 days from the date of purchase Thls warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO D B17 WA Hoffman Estales IL 60179 If you need service or paris visit your neare...

Page 3: or near children Do not handle plug or cleaner with wet hands Do not operate cleaner with a punctured hose The hose on some models contains electrical wires Replace If cut or worn_ Avoid picking up sharp objects Do not put any objects Into openings Do not use with any opening blocked keep free of dust lint hair and anything that may reduce air flow Keep hair loose clothing fingers and all parts...

Page 4: ...UMBERS HERE Copy this information from the boffom of each unit Into these spaces Keep these numbers for future reference if you need service or call wlth a question have this Information ready 116 Canister Model Number D Canister Seital Number 1t6 POWER MATETM Model Number D POWER MATETM Serial Number Wand _ Cord and Plug Harder Handle Oulck Releeeo Soma Models Upper Wand 4 ...

Page 5: ...Ouatlng Bru_h_ _ _ Fobrl_Btuah __ Floor Bru_h _ __ NOTE All models have one set of attachments In the canister Some models have an addi tional set which can be kept in the accessory bag for garage or oLddoor use Covar BagHolder ...

Page 6: ...nto pface Turn wand button to the slotted area of the wand swivel The swivel allows you to turn the handle 1o the left side to reach farther under low furniture_ Cord Holder POWER MATE 1 Insert wands Into POWER MATE TM until the wand buttons snaps into place 2 Connect POWER MATE 7M plug and cord as shown DO NOT force Ra_sed area of plug must be toward hand 3 Secure cord into cord holder on wand sw...

Page 7: ...inges nsed them and close the hood to replace It HOSE 1 Une up the hose latch tab and notch in canlster hood and insert hose Into canister until tt snaps in piace To remove lift hose latch tab upward and puIt up on hose 2 Inserthandle into wand unlt_ tack button snaps In place Besurehose is nottwisted To remove press handle release button and pull up on handle To store To prevent stress on hose du...

Page 8: ...zed outlet only one way If the piug does not fit fuliy In the outlet reverse the plug If it slilf does not fit contact a qualified elecfficlan to lnstatt the proper outlet Do not change the plug In any way 3 Plug the polarfzed power cord Into 120 Vail outlet focated near the floor To rewind Unplug the cleaner Hold the plug wh_ie rewindlng 1o prevent damage or Injury from the movlng cord A sflght t...

Page 9: ... Carpeted stairs need to be vacuumed reguiady For best cleaning results fully close the suction controi See PERFORMANCE FEATURES WARNING I Personal In ury Hazard I Use care if canisterisplaced on tt_ II falls personal Injury or properly damage could resu I For best cleaning results keep the airflow passage open Check each assembly area shown In HOW YOUR VACUUM WORKS oecasl0noliy for clogs Unplug f...

Page 10: pedai wtlh foot and pull the wands shalght up out of POWER MATE TM The POWER MATETM plug and cord do not have to be removed to use attachments on the wands 3oPut attach ments on wands as needed See chaff below ATTACHMENT USE AII A HIVIEN I Between Furniture Cush ons DUSTING BRUSH _ X CLEANING AREA Bare Carpeted Drapes Stairs Floors Floors Rugs x CREVICETOOL X X FABRIC BRUSH _ X X _YJ FLOORBRUSH...

Page 11: ...ATETM Plug In and turn on cleaner SUCTIONCONTROL The suction control increases or decreases the suction for different fabric and carpet wetghts Opening the control decreases suc tion for draperies and lightweight rugs Closing the controi increases suction for furniture and carpets HOSESWIVEL The hoseswivel allows the hoseb turn wtthout moving the canister This ishelpful for cleaning tn small areas...

Page 12: ... motor safety fitter see MOTOR SAFETYFILTER CLEANING The red bag mount will flip forward after removing bag Thiswill prevent the lid from closing until a new bag is installed Red eBB Mount 6 Raise red bag mount up 7 Using care not to crease the cardboard Install bag Into slots as shown In the illustration below NOTE Creasing the cardboard will cause it not to lock In place and dirt will not go Int...

Page 13: ...ack into canister 5 liner bag CLEANING EXTERIOR ANDATTACHMENTS 1 Unplug cord from wall outiet DO NOT drip waler On cleaner 2 Clean exterior using a clean soft cloth that has been dlpped in a solution of mild tlqutd detergent and water then wring dry Wipe dry after cleaning 3 To reduce static electrlcily and dust build up wipe outer surface of canister and attachments 4 Wash attachmenls in warm soa...

Page 14: ...s in place NOTE See PARTSAND FEATURES for Bulb _ELT CHANGINGAND BRUSH CLEANING Disconnect cleaner from electrical oullet Check and remove hair string and tint bulld up frequently inthe POWER MATE TM b_ush and brush support areas_ If build up becomes excessive dtsconneci POWER MATE TM fFom wand and follow the steps below Instructions can also be found under the light cover TO REMOVEBEE __ I 1 Remov...

Page 15: ...S for Belt mm Im 3 Snap brush supports into place on base Be sure brush suppods are not upside down 6oRemove worn belt 7oSlide brush sup ports off to check and clean brush support areas See BRUSH ASSEMBLYfor pic ture of complete b_t_shassembly 4 Une up front of cover and base Rest cover on front edge of bose as shown i Baee 5 Til cover to back Press cover firmly until side tabs snap into place Rep...

Page 16: ...ers screws end brush brush sprocket pieces from ends of brush assembly 3oPush out worn brushes If the beater bar Is chipped or gouged replace ft 4 Slide new beater bar end brushes Into slots NOTE New brushes and beater bar may be easier to Install If they are soaked in warm wafer for a few minutes Dry thoroughly before Installing 5 Reassemble brush assembly To line up screw holes in dowel sprocket...

Page 17: ...2 In _ _OWER MAETM 3 Ttlppedoveflood proloclot incon_ler POWER MATE_ wffl nat POWER MAi E_ c o nnectlons mn when a_h_ched _nplugged_ 2 Worn or b_ok_n boil 3 Dirty btu_horbru_h suppart_ 4 Tripped overte o_ protector In POWER_I vI _ T_ TM I Performance Indicator i FUll e_ clogged dustbog T br_d 2 DIrhi motor safely llller 2 3 Becked o_ow passage 3 4 Certain o_lec_ent Iod_ 4 Cleaner picks up movable ...

Page 18: ...SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 U S A PARTNO C_IZAEX1_U_ _ 437_61 Printed in U SoA_ t_ rl ...

Page 19: ... _ _ Aspiradora MANUAl DELPROPIETARiO LEA ESTEMANUAL para enterarse de instrucciones importantes acerca de la seguridad armado y funcionamiento Cg1ZAEXI_Ugg 437gg61 ...

Page 20: ...ears 10reparar6 sin nlngOn cargo En el case de que esta aspiradoro sea ull izada con fines comerc oles opara orrendamlento ta anterlor mente cltada garantia de cobedura ser6 v6IIda Qnlca mente par un periodo de 90 dies o parllr de la fecha de compra Esta garantia le conflere derechos legales espedficos adem6s puede que tenga oti os derechos que difleren entre estados SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO D 817 WA ...

Page 21: ...sea utiitzada en la proxlmidad de ni_os o par nt_os No toque la asplradora nl el enchufe con las manes moladas No usela aspttadora s la manguera est6 rota La manguera contlene aiambres el_ctricos C6mbteia so est6 rata o desgastada Evite asptrar obJetosagudos Ne coloque obIetos en los abeduras No ufllice la asplradofa st atguna abertura e 6 bloqueada mant6ngala lfbre de polvo pelusa cabeifos y cuai...

Page 22: ...O Y ELNUMERODE SEREAQU Cople esta Infotmad6n de la parte Inferior de la aspF radora y eser_bola en los espaclos proporclonados a contInuaci6n Conserve estos n_me_os pora referen cia posterior Teaga esta lnfofmac 6n dispontble slsu aspfradora neceslta serviclo o desea flomar con afguna preguntQ 116 NOme_o de modeio de asplradora de recept6cuto CordOn ahJctrL o de POWER MATE TM POWER MATE TM ...

Page 23: ..._ eacudlr CoFtlto parn _ __ lelaB C_plRo para _ _1 NOTA Todos Ios modelos cuentan con un Jue go de accesorlos en el recept6cuto Algunos modeios cuentan con un Juego ad clonal que puede almacenarse en a bolsa para acceso flos de uso en el garale o en e exterior Cubleda ...

Page 24: ...del dIsposlflvo glralorlo det tuba Eldisposifivo giratofIo le permlte glrar el mango hacla la izqule da para itmplar me or debajo de tos muebJes baJos POWER MATE TM I introduzca Io_tubas en la POWER MATE TM hasta que et bot6n del tuba quede fljo en poslcl6n 2 Conecfe el enchufe y cord6n de ta POWER MAT TMcoma se muestra I 410 LO fuerce B 6rea elevada del enchufe flene que estar hacia la mona 3oAss...

Page 25: y cleffe la tapa MANGUERA I AIInee la pesta_a de suJed6n de la manguera y la ronura de la cublerta del receptc_cuio e nho duzca la manguera en et recept6culo hasta que quede flja en po _ict6n Para ref_raf levante elpestlflo de laman guera y tire de ta man guera 2 Inffoduzca el mango en el tuba hasfa que el bof6n quede en posicl6n_ Aseg_rese de que ra mangue_a no est6 lotclda Para reflraT optima...

Page 26: ...l enchufe SI la ciavtja no cabe blen en el enchufe Invl rtala aen no cabe lame a un e ectrfcIsta para que Instale un enchufe correct0 No allere la clavila de nlnguna manera Conecte el c0rd6n e _ctrlco polaflzado en un enchufe de t20voltios que se encuentre cerca del plso PAPA ENROLLAt_Desconecte la asplradora SuJete el enchufe mlentros enroila el cord6n para Impedir daSo o lesiSn corporal per el m...

Page 27: ...gurarse de que no es _n bloqueadas Desconecte la asplradora antes de revisar Las_mas peque_as pueden lImptarse sin necesldad de mover el recept6culo El glrador de la manguera pet mlfe que 6sta glre de lado a tado sin mover el recepteculo AsegQrese de que la manguera no estH torclda antes de Ja ar el recept6cufo Losescalonesalfombradosrequteren llmpleza peft6dica Cterre par compteto et conJro de as...

Page 28: ... del tubo hacla arrlba pora desprenderto de la POWER MATE_U No es necesarlo retl rar e enchufe y cord6n el6ctflco de la POWER MATETM para usar los acceso rlosdef tubo 3 Coloque el accesoflo dese ado sobre el tubo Consulfe et cuadro a conflnuaci6n USODELOSACCESORIOS AREA A UMPIAR ACCESORIO E_t r_ PLs o Ptsos Muobtes cofines Corlinas Eacalonos das ubtorlos a fombrados AtfombrL 1 Psredes CEPtLLO PARA...

Page 29: ...ta porte superior de ta POWER MATETM Conecte y enclenda la asplradora CONTROLDEASPIRACI6N Et control de asplraci6n aumenta o dlsmtnuye la asplrac 6n pare los dife rentes flpos de alfom bras y telas La asplra ci6n se dtsmlnuye abriendo el control pare cortlnas y fapetes iigeros y se aumenta cerr_ndolo pare mue bles y alfombras GIRADORDELA MANGUERA El glrador de la manguera permite que la manguera g...

Page 30: ...oise del montaJe rata Examine y iimpIe eI flllTo de seguridad del motor Consulte ta UMPtEZA DEL FILTRODE SEGURIDAD DEL MOTOR EtmantaJe rata de ia balsa se lnclhar_ ha cla ade anfe despu_s de que retire la balsa Esto Impedfr6 que la tapa se cler_e antes de lnstalar una balsa nueva 6 Levante elmontaJe rata 7 fnstale la balsa nueva en los ranuras coma se muesh a en la Ilustract6n abaJo tenlendo cuida...

Page 31: ...o lnstale cuando est_ h Jmeda 4 Relnstale el filiTo en ef recept6culo 5 instaie la balsa DEL ACCESORIOS EXTERIOR Y LOS 1 Desconecte el cord6n ei6ctrlco de la clavlja de la pared NO charge agua sabre la asplradera_ 2 Umple et exterior con un ffapo suave y ltmpto que ha sldo exprimldo despu6s de remoJaren una sotucl6n de agua y detergente ffquldo ligero Seque el exterior con un tropo seco despu6s de...

Page 32: ...mbilla has ta que quede bien cerrada NOTA Consutte ia PIEZASY CARACTERiST1CAS para determinar el NR de la bombltla CORREAY LIMPIEZA Desconecte la asptradora Examine frecuentemente et cepIIlo y las 6reas de soporte del mlsmo de la POWER MATE TM y ellmlne todo cabello Nio y peiusa acumulada Slh acumulacl6n es excesiva separe ta POWER MATE TM de1 tuba y realice los pasos a contl nuacl6n Los lr_truccl...

Page 33: ...cep ilo sobre la base AsegQrese de que los sopoffes no est6n lnvertldos 6 Retire la banda desgastada 7oRetire los soportes del ceplllo examine y Iimpte tas 6reas de sopode dei cep i o En la ENSAMSLEDEL CEPtLLO se p opor clona una lustracl6n de tado el ensamble del cepllio 4 Afinee la porte frontal de to cublerta con la base Coloque la cub erta sob_e el borde de antero de la base como se muestra Cu...

Page 34: ... la topes de los ensomble dei cept_io 3 Desprenda los cept tos desgos tados SIla barra del battdor est6 astllloda o frog mentada c6m blela 4 lnstoie lo barra y ceplilos nuevos en ias ranuras NOTA Qulz6s le resulte m6s f6ctl lnstalar los bar as del botldor y los cep llos nuevos sl prime_o los remo ja en ague ttbla unos mtnuJos S_ queios bien an tes de lnstolarlos 5 Arme el ensemble del cepll o Para...

Page 35: ... 5 h_u_toO c_nffoL P_g_O 11 6 C_rnble la manguelo lIE9 Ccr_ _lle CAMB_ODE LA CORRF AYUM P_E7 A DB CE_LLO O _ i_ nas 4 15 _00or_o brenda apa 1 F_mhe _ cono dory_ seiL _c_cc_ _olvo o coneciar ecr_ _o exfrBmcs d_ Omangueto p_gtna_ 5 _ 2 Ro _ocuo_qu_or _bJeto o otado o aloscodo lu _ _go e_ c_co _ l_a _pitodorb o onco pmo _evu_31ve o op_gc_ I_ple el Ce13_ o ylos sopodes de _s_o _uego_esloblo _co p_g no...

Page 36: ...SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO HOFFMAN ESTATES IL60179 EUA PIEZA N _o C_1ZAEXI_U_ 437_61 Impreso en EUA _ _ JI _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 4 _r_ _ l_ _I _ _ _ _I_ _ ...
