Kenmore PlasmaWave 85150 Use & Care Manual Download Page 11

Summary of Contents for PlasmaWave 85150

Page 1: ...o Read and follow all safety rules and instructionsbefore operating this equipment ADVERTENCIA Lea y siga todas las reglas e instrucciones de seguridad antes de operar este equipo_ Sears Brand Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S_s www sears com Printed in Korea ...

Page 2: ...s warranty does not cover the air cleaner filters which are expendable parts This warranty applies for only 90 days from the date of purchase if this product is ever used for other than private household purposes This warranty applies only while this product is used in the United States This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state ...

Page 3: ...cturer or a quali fied technician Remove the power plug from the outlet before cleaning the unit When removing the power plug grasp by holding the plug itself never hold by the cord Remove the power plug from the outlet when not in use Do not handle the power plug with wet hands_ Do not operate the unit when using indoor smoke generating insecticides Do not clean unit with benzene or paint thinner...

Page 4: ... bacteria and fungi For best performance replace every three months True HEPA Filter Captures 99 99 of parlicles and impurities as small as 0 3 microns including smoke dust pollen and other allergens Replace when the CHECK FILTER indicator light turns on Advanced PlasmaWave TM Technology PlasmaWave TM uses a strong corona discharge to break apartairbornepollutantsat the molecular level In a fracti...

Page 5: ...AutotManual Auto Manual Yes Yes Yes Yes L 1 Z _ _ AHAM Certified Yes 85450 Yes Yes Yes IYes Yes Yes i lll i Yes UL Listed Yes Yes Sanitized m Treated Yes Yes I Energy Star Qualified Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Check Filter Indicator Cleaning System Carbon Pre Filter True HEPA Filter PlasmaWave m Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CADR Unit Size inches WxH Unit Weight tbs _ Smoke Dust Pollen 981981103 8 2...

Page 6: ...iag_ 7A 8 Install the plastic frame by inserting tabs _ up into the air cleaner and gently pushing in at the bottom tab until the frame fits into place snuggly 9 Replace the front panel by hooking the panel on the top of the unit Swing the panel in by pushing gently on each side of the unit and then lock it into place 10 Plug the power cord into a wall outleL 11 Press and hold the POWER button unt...

Page 7: ...ts dim and will not allow the fan to increase above QUIET speed when the room is dark AUTOMATIC OPERATION When in AUTO mode the air cleaner will automati cally sense the amount of impurities in the air and adjust the fan speed accordingly_ When the unit is first turned on it will default to AUTO mode MANUAL OPERATION Adjusting the fan speed Once the unit is on switch to manual operation by pressin...

Page 8: ...t generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interfer ence to radio communications However there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular instatlation If this equipment does cause harmful Interference to radio or television reception which can be determined by turning the equipmen...

Page 9: ...emove the Carbon Pre Filter and plastic frame by gently pulling out from the bottom and down from the top 4 Remove the Carbon Pre Filter from the plastic frame and dispose of iL 5o Remove a replacement Carbon Pre Filter from the resealable plastic bag and reseal to maintain the freshness of the remaining filter_ 6 Install the Carbon Pre_Fitter onto the plastic frame by pushing against six hook and...

Page 10: ...on Pre Filter by inserting tabs up into the air cleaner and gently pushing in at the bottom tab until the frame fits into place snuggly 7 Replace the front panel by hooking the panel on the top of the unit Swing the panel in by pushing gently on each side of the unit and then lock it into place 8 Plug in air cleaner and press POWER button until short beep sounds 9 Press the RESET FILTER button by ...

Page 11: ...where there is inverter light ing equipment or electronic spontaneous lighting equipmenL When objects or furniture are located between the remote and the air cleaner When air cleaner unit is located in direct sunlight as sunlight may interfere with the infrared sensor in areas where fluorescent lighting is flickering due to worn out bulbs At B_ C_ Dr POWER Use the power button to turn the power on...

Page 12: ...ight to the air cleaner Make sure the AIR QUALITY sensor is not blocked or clogged Move the unit closer to the offending odors Replace the filters as they may have reached their capacity to absorb pollutants You may need to replace filters more frequently Clear the AIR QUALITY sensor with a vacuum cleaner as it may be blockedor clogged Because this unit radiates radio frequency energy try one or m...

Page 13: ...0 85450 CAUTION Read and follow all safety rules and instructions before operating this equipment ADVERTENCIA Lea y siga todas las reglas e instrucciones de seguridad antes de operar este equipo Sears Brand Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A www sears com Pnnted in Korea ...

Page 14: ...uito Esta garantia no cubre los filtros de los 5mpiadores aire ya que son pades prescindibleso Esta garanlia s61o catificard durante 90 d as a partlr de ta fecha de la compra en caso de que este producto sea usado alguna vez para objetivos que no sean otros que el menaje privado del hogar Esta garantta califica s61o mientras este pmducto sea usado en los Estados Unidos Esta garantia le da derechos...

Page 15: ...ser sustiluida por el fabricante o por personal t_cnico cualificado Extraiga la clavija de corrJente de la tome antes de limpiar la unidad AI extraer la clavija de corriente agarre de la misma clavija y nunca del cable Extraiga la clavija de corriente de ta tome cuando no est_ en uso No manipule la clavija de cordente con las manos mojadas No haga uso de la unidad mtentras use insecticidas de inte...

Page 16: y el olor es lratado con Sanitized TM pars reducircon eficacia el desarrollo de bacterlas y hongos Para un rendimientoeflcaz sustttufr cada tres meses_ Filtro True HEPA Capturael 9999 de partfcu lase tmpurezastan pequeSas como0 3 micrones inctuso humo polvo poleny otros atdrgenos Sustituircuando el tndicadorde luz de CHECK FILTER se active TecnologlaAvanzadaPlasmaWave TM PlasmaWave TM usauna de...

Page 17: ...o de la Unldad pulgadas LargoxAnchoxAito Peso de ta Unidad en libras 85150 150 pies cuadrados AC 120V 60 Hz Baja 4W Turbo 40W 4 Velocidades Digital AutolManual Mo SI Si SI S_ SI Si SI SI Si Humo Potvo Polen 981981103 827 x 18 50 x 3 78 85300 300 pies cuadrados ACt 20V 60 Hz Beja 4W Turbo 60W 4 Velocidades Digital Auto Manual st S S Sf St Sf S SI Sf S Humo PolvolPolen 97 1971214 8 66 x 21 65 x 16 3...

Page 18: ... pestaSas hacia ardba en e limpiador de aim y empuje suavemente an ta pestafia _ de rondo hasta que el marco quepa en el lugar cOmodamenteo 9oSustituya el panel detantero enganchando et panel ala parte superiorde la unidad Vuelva a colocar el panel en empujando suavemente a cada lado de la unidad y luego bloqudelofijamenter 10 Enchufe el cable de corrlente a una tome de pared 1 o Presione y manten...

Page 19: ...e panal de instru mentos con cardcier ddbfly no perrnlteque ta h_lice aumente pot enc ma de la veloci dad QUIET TRANQUILA cuandola sala est_ oscura OPERACI0N AUTOMATICA Estando an modo AUTO el limpiadorde aire detectar_ autom_ti camente la cantldadde tmpurezasdel aim y ajustar_ la veloctdadde h_lice en consecuencla_ Cuando ta unldad se encienda por vez pdmara _sta pasar_ pot defecto a modoAUTO OPE...

Page 20: ... genera usa y puede irradlarenergta de radiofrecuencia y si no se tnstalani se usa de acuerdo alas fnstruc clones puede causer interferenclas dafiinas a tascomunicacionespot radio Sin embargo no hay ningunagarantla de qua no vayan a ocurrir tnterferenciasen una Instalaci6n en particular Si este equipo cause reatmente tnterferencias dafitnasa la emisibn de radio o a la recepci6n de televtsi6n Io cu...

Page 21: ...suavemente de la parle inferiordet panel No io fuerce el panel debe salir f_cilmenteo 3 Extraiga el Prefillro de Carbono y el marco de pl_islicottrandosuavemente del rondo y hacla abajo desde arriba 4 Extralga el Pretillrode Carbono delmarco pldsltcoy elimlnelo 5 Saque Prefiitrode Carbono de la boise de pl_slico resellable y res_llela pare mantener la frescura del filtrorestante 6 Instaleel Prefll...

Page 22: sire y empujando suavemente hacla adenlm en la peslatia de rondohasta que et marco quepa en et lugsr c6modamente 7 Sustituya e panel delantero enganchando el panel a la parte superior de la unidado Vuelva a colocarel panel en empujando suavemente acada lado de ta untdady tuego bloqu6elo flJamente 8o Enchufe el limpiadorde sire y presione elbol _nde POWER haste que se escuche breves sonidos de b...

Page 23: ...Cualqulerlugardondehaya un equipoinversor de luz o unequtpode iluminaci6nespont_nea electr6nicao Cuanclohaya objetoso mobiliartoentre et remoioy el limpiadorde elre Cuando la unidadde timptador de aim seen cuentreen contacloconla luz del sol directa ya que la luz del sot podrlatnterferir con el sen sorinfrarrojo En _reas dondeia iluminact6n de nebn perpadea debidoa bombfllasdesgasladas A_ B_ C_ D ...

Page 24: ...ya qua puede qua hayan alcanzado su capactdad para absorber agentes contaminantes Puede qua usted puede tenga que sustituirsus flltroscon m_s frecuencia_ i Ill llll HI I I ll U H H l II ill I ll H I DespeJeel sensor de AIR QUALITY conuna aspiredora ya qua puede legar a btoquearse u obstruirse La unldad tnlerfierecon la emtsi6n de radioo la recepci6n de televfsiSno El Indlcadorde CHECK FILTER perma...

Page 25: ...nada www sears com www sears ca Nuestra Cas_ Para la reparaci6n de adicutosport tilescome aspiradoras equtpos de c_sped y articuloselectr6nicos Ilame en cuatquter memento pare saber acerca det stilerues cercano de Sears Pads Repair Service Center 1 800 488 1222 Uo A_ t 800 469 4663 Canada wv_ v sears com www seam ca Parecomprarun acuerdo doprotecci6npareun productoa ser Inspecclonado perSears 1 80...
