Kenmore Kenmore 580.73093 Owner'S Manual Download Page 7

Summary of Contents for Kenmore 580.73093

Page 1: Manual del Propietario THROUGH THE WALL AIRCONDITIONER ACONDICIONADO DEAIREA TRAVESDE PARED Model Modelo 580 73093 580 73104 580 77128 580 73144 Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A www sears com ...

Page 2: ...e 17 ESPAI_IOL 18 MASTER PROTECTION AGREEMENTS 35 SERVICE NUMBERS BackCover FULL ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON THROUGH THE WALL AIR CONDITIONER For one year from the date of purchase when this air conditioner is operated and maintained for normal room cooling according to instructions in this owner s manual Sears will repair this air conditioner free of charge if defective in material or workmanship WARRAN...

Page 3: ...nst shock hazards Your air conditioner must be plugged into a properly grounded wall receptacle If the wall receptacle you intend to use is not adequately grounded or protected by a time delay fuse or circuit breaker have a qualified electrician install the proper receptacle Do not run air conditioner with packing sheet of the back of the sleeve and packing corner and blue tape of the air conditio...

Page 4: plug To minimize possible shock hazard the cord must be plugged into a mating grounding type wall receptacle and grounded in accordance with the National Electrical Code ANSI NFPA 70 latest edition and all local codes and ordinances If a mating wall receptacle is not available it is the personal responsibility and obligation of the customer to have a properly grounded 3 prong wall receptacle i...

Page 5: ...r future reference The carton is the best way to store unit during winter or when not in use INSTALLATION HARDWARE 2 Size options ITEM NAME OF PARTS QITy PLASTIC GRILLE 1 _ HORIZONTAL INSULATION STRIPS 2 AROUND INSULATION STRIPS 2 SUPPORT BLOCK 2 _ BAFFLE I _ TRIM FRAME 2 _ SHIM 2 _ PLASTICNUTS ANDWASHERSCREWS 4 To avoid risk of personal injury property damage or product damage due to the weightof...

Page 6: ...h White WestinghousE Frigidaire 25 1 2 15 1 4 16 17 1 2 Carrier 52F series or 22 General Electric iHotpoint 26 15 5 8 16 7 8 Whirlpool 25 7 8 16 1 2 17 1 8 or 23 Fedders Emerson 27 16 3 4 16 3 4 or 19 3 4 Sears Kenmore 25 7 8 15 17 32 16 23 32 Emerson Fedders 26 3 4 15 3 4 15 Carrier 51S Series 25 3 4 16 7 8 18 5 8 Friedrich 27 16 3 4 16 3 4 NOTE All wall sleeves used to mount the new Air Conditio...

Page 7: ...ssemble trim snap the tab of each piece into the slot of the other piece as shown below Slide trim over the front of the air conditioner until trim is flush with sleeve as shown below I I Trim 2 ea Wall FIG 6 _J Remove the backing from the Horizontal Insulation strip 13 ex 3 8x 273_1s and attach that to the inside bottom of the sJeeve as shown below Remove the backing from the Around Insulation st...

Page 8: ... from the inside of the sleeve and are pressed into the square holes of the rear flanges Fasten the screws FIG 9 L_I Remove the backing from the Horizontal Insolation strip 13 8x 5s8 x 273 16and attach that to the inside bottom of the sleeve as shown below Remove the backing from the Around Insulation strip 13 8x 3 4x 611 2and attach that to the inside front ol the sleeve as shown below FIG lC _ _...

Page 9: ...n below Wall FIG 13 Airconditioners covered in this manual pose an excessive weighthazard Two or more peopleare needed to move and installthe unit To preventinjuryor strain use properlifting and carryingtechniqueswhen movingunit When handlingthe air conditioner be careful to avoidcuts from sharp metal fins on front and rear coils Make sureair conditionerdoesnotfall during removal 9 ...

Page 10: ...rom the inside of the sleeve and are pressed into the square holes of the rear flanges _ 1 _ Remove the backing from the Horizontal Insulation strip 13 8x 13 8x 273116 and attach that to the inside bottom of the sleeve as shown below Remove the backing from the Around Insulation strip 13 8x 13 8x 61_ 2and attach that to the inside front of the sleeve as shown below FIG 17 _ _ If the depth of your ...

Page 11: ...the other piece as shown below Slide trim over the front of the air conditioner until trim is flush with sleeve as shown below I Trim 2 ea Wall FIG 22 Air conditioners coveredin this manualpose an excessive weight hazard Two ormore people are needed to move and install the unit To prevent injury or strain use proper lifting and carrying techniques when moving unit When handling the air conditioner...

Page 12: ...ould not be cause for concern Also do not be alarmed if you hear a slight hissing or gurgling sound coming from your air conditioner after it is off These are normal coolant noises CAPACITY AND RUNNING TIME Proper unit size is important in deciding the desired comfort for the area you want to cool The proper size is determined by the number of square feet in the area to be cooled Whenever the heat...

Page 13: ... you find most comfortable NOTE If the air conditioner is turned off wait 3 minutes before restarting This allows pressure inside the compressor to equalize Failure to wait 3 minutes before restarting may cause inefficient operation If you move the TEMP control to a warmer then immediately back to a cooler setting the unit will shut off Wait 3 minutes before restarting Refer to the AIR CONDITIONER...

Page 14: ...JRE SETTING Usethisbutton to automatically control the temperature ofthe room Thetemperature canbe setwithin a range of60 F to86 F byincrements of I F POWER To turnthe airconditioner ON pushthis button To rumthe airconditioner OFF pushthe buttonagain This buttontakespriority overanyother button When youfirst turnit on the unitis in coolmode Highfan speed Temperature settingat 72 F FAN SPEED Everyt...

Page 15: ...ction is adjusted by moving vertical louver The vertical louver control levers are located in the right and left side of the air discharge FIG 26 VERTICAL AIR DIRECTION ADJUSTMENT The vertical air direCtion is adjusted by moving the horizontal louvers FIG 27 15 ...

Page 16: ... The cabinet may be washed with mild soap or detergent and lukewarm water then polished with liquid appliance wax To ensure continued peak efficiency the condenser coils outdoor side of the unit should be checked periodically and cleaned if they become clogged with soot or dirt from the atmosphere Brush or vacuum exterior coils to remove debris from fins _FIG 30 HOW TO REMOVE THE FRONT GRILLE Open...

Page 17: ...anual TEMPControlsettoolow Todefrost thecoil settheMODEto Cool Fanspeedto high andthe Tempcontroltoa highertemperature THEAIRCONDITIONER COOUNG BUTROOM ISTOOWARM Check if Dirtyairfilter airrestricted TEMPControlsettoowarm Frontof unitis blockedby drapes blinds furniture etc Afrdistributiea is restricted Doors windows registers etc open Coldairescapes Unitrecently turnedonin hotream Then Cleanairfi...

Page 18: ...t_cnico 33 ACUERDOS DE PROTECCION ESPECIALIZADA 35 NUMEROS DE SERVIClO TECNICO Contraportada GARANTIAC0MPLETA DE UN AN0 DEL APARAT0DE AIREACONDICl0NADO DE PARED Duranteunafio a contara partirdela fechadecompra cuando esteaparatodeaireacondicionado funcioneparael enfnamiento normaldeunahabitaci6nyrecibamantenimiento tedoello seg0nlasinstrucciones de esteManualdel propietario Sears reparar_esteapara...

Page 19: ...hufadoa unenchufe de paredcon una toma detierra adecuada Si el enchule que quiereutilizarno tieoe unatoma de tierra adecuadao noest_ protegidoper unfusible temporizadoo un interrupterdecorriente haga que uneleotricista cualificado instaleel enchufeapropiado No hagafuncionarel aparatode aire aconclicionado con la I_minade embalajeen la parle posteriordelalojamientoo con la ointaazul y las esquinera...

Page 20: ...ebe estar enchufado en un recept culo de pared con toma de tierra de acuerdo con la 61tima edici6n del C6digo nacional sobre electricidad ANSI NFPA 70 y siguiendo todas las normas y directrices locales Si no estd disponible un recept culo de pared es responsabilidad y obligaci6n personal del cliente hacer que un electricista cualificado instale un recept_ culo en la pared de 3 clavijas con una tom...


Page 22: ...ol Fedders Emerson Sears_Y enmore Emerson Fedders Cartier Serie 51S Fdeddch Can_ 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 4 4 pulgadas y cent metros Anchura Altura Profundidad 64 77 38 73 40 64 44 46 55 88 25 1 2 15 1 4 16 17 1 2 66 04 26 39 70 16 518 12 87 16 7 8 65 48 25 7 8 41 91 16 1 2 13 51 058 42 17 1 8o23 68 58 27 42 54 16 3 4 42 54o50 16 16 314 o19 3h 65 73 25 7 8 39 44 15 17 32 12 46 16 23FJ_j 67 94 26 3 4 40 15 ...

Page 23: ...l alojamiento hay tuercasde pl_stico en el equipo de instala ibn Las toercas se instalan desde el interior del alojamiento y se introducen apret_ndolas an los orificios cuadrados de los 8ancos traseros FtG 4 IL_JlExtraiga la parle posterior de la tira de Aislamiento horizontal de 3 5 x 0 96 x 69 06 cm 13 8x 3 5x 273he y fijelaala parte inferior interna del alojamienlo segL_n se muestra abajo Extra...

Page 24: ...iete los tomillos FfG 9 L_I Extraigala parteposterior de latiradeAislamiento horizontal de3 5x 1 60x 69 06cm 13 8 x 5 e x273h6 yfijela a la parteinferiorinternadel atojamiento segunsemuestra abajo Extraigalaparteposterior delatiradeAislamiento lateralde3 5 x 1 9x 156 21 13 8 x 3 4 x 61V2 yfijelaal interiordel alojamiento segunse muestra abaje FIG 10 1_1 Cuando la profundidad del alojamiento existe...

Page 25: ... 2ea Pared FIG 13 Los aparatosdeaire acondicionadode los que trataeste manualconstituyenunpeligrode peso excesivo Se necesitandos o m spersonas para movere instalar la unidad Paraevitar heridaso problemasmusculares utilicet_cnicasadecuadas para elevary desplazarla unidad AI manejarel aparato deaire acondicionado tenga cuidadode evitar cortesde las aletasafiladasde metalen las bobinasfrontaly trase...

Page 26: ...Extraigala parteposterior dela tira deAislamiento horizontalde 3 5 x 3 5x 69 06cm 13 8x 13 8 x 273 16 y fijela a la parteinferior internadel alojamiento segun se muestraabajo Extraigala parteposteriorde la tira deAislamientolateral de3 5 x 3 5 x 156 21cm 13 8 x 13 8 x611 2 y fijela al interiorfrontaldel alojamientoseg Jn se muestraabajo FIG 17 _ _ Cuando la profundidad del alojamiento existente es...

Page 27: ...oa paso conel alojamientosegun se muestra a continuacion 1Hi0hI High FIG 20 FIG 21 O Instale la nueva unidad en el alojamiento de la pared Pared FIG 22 oLosaparatosde aireacondicionadodelos que trataestemanualconstituyen unpetigro de peso excesivo Se necesitandos o mdspersonaspara movere instalarla unidad Paraevitarheridaso problemasmusculares utilicetecnicasadecuadas para elevary desplazarla unid...

Page 28: ...icionado Estesonidoes normal no tiene porquepreocuparse Tambi_nes posibleque se escucheun sonidode siseo o deborboteocuandoapague el aireacondicionado No debe alarmarse ya qae son sonido normalesque se producenal refrigerar Ventilador Vibraciones Es posible que la unidad vibrey emita ruidosdebidoa la construcciondeficientedelas paredesode lasventanas Es posibleque oigael movimientodel ventilador E...

Page 29: agradable NOTA Siel aireacondicionadoest_apagado esperetres minutosantesdevolvera encenderlo Deestaformase equilibrala presi6ndel interiordelcompresor Si noesperatres minutosantesdevolverloa encender es posiblequese produzcanfallosdefuncionamiento Sicambieel controlde temperaturaa mastempladoy vuelvea cambiarinmediatamente a un valormasfrio la unidadde apagar Espereiresminufosantesdevolvedoa en...

Page 30: ...arseen unrangode 15 6 K a 30 K 60 F a 86 F anincrementos de I F ENCENDIDO POWER Paraencendedor elaparato deaire acondicionado optima el bot6n ON Para apagar elaparato deaireacondicionado oprima elbotOn denuevo Estebot6ntieneprioridad sobrecualquier otro AIencenderla porprimera vez launidad estaan modo deenfriado veloeidad deventilador alta temperatura fijadaa22 K 72 F VELOCIDAD DE VENTILADOR FAN S...

Page 31: ... se ajuste moviendola persianavertical Loselevadoresdel controlde la persianaverticalse ubican a la derechay a la izquierdade la descargadeaire FIG 26 AJUSTE DE LA DIRECCION VERTICAL DEL AIRE La direction vertical del aire se aiuste moviendolas ersianashorizontales FIG 27 31 ...

Page 32: se debe limpiar con unjab6n o detergenteneutro y agua tibia y a continuaci6n pulirla concera liquida Paraasegurarla ma ximaeficaciacontinua se deben comprobary limpiar peri6dicamentelosserpentinesdel condensador parteexterna de la unidad si se obstruyencon hollin o suciedadde la atm6sfera Cepille o aspire los serpentinesexterioresparaeliminar los residuos FIG 30 COMO EXTRAERLA REJILLA FRONTAL A...

Page 33: ...essongelar la bobina ajusteel MODOa VENTILACION lavelocidad del ven_lader en Alta VENTILElaVELOCIDAD a Alto Umpieel filtrode alre Consutte lasecddesdereManteelmiento on suGuiadel Propietaed Paradessengelar la bdoina lijeelMODO MODE a Fde COOL la ve_ad delventilader FANSPEED a Alia HI y el contrddeTemparatura TEMP en unvalorm_salto EL AIRE ACONDICIONADO ENFR A PERO LA HABITACI _N SE SIENTE DEMASIAD...

Page 34: ...i 34 i ...

Page 35: ...os productos puede precisar un mantenimiento preventivo o incluso alguna reparacion de vez en cuando En esas ocasiones un Master Protection Agreement puede ayudarle a ahorrar dinero e inconvenientes Adquiera un Maser Protection Agreement ahora y protejase a s mismo de rnolestias y gastos inesperados El Master Protection Agreement le ayudara tambien a prolongar la vida de su nuevo aparato Los sigui...

Page 36: ...ment and electronics call or go on line for the location of your nearest Sears Parts Repair Center 1 800 488 1222 Call anytime day or night U S A only www sears com To purchase a protection agreement U S A or maintenance agreement Canada on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedir servicio de reparacion a domicilio y para ordenar piezas 1 888 SU HOGAR _ 1 8...
