Page 1: ...irth defects or other reproductive harm __ m Read and follow all Safety Statements Assembly instructions and Use Care Directions before attempting to assemble and cook Some parts may contain sharp edges especially as noted in these instructions Wear protective gloves if necessary Parts Assembly Safety Rules Use and Care Troubleshooting Espafiol p 33 Assembly Questions Call 1 800 241 7548 Parts Ord...
Page 2: ...ow all of the messages found throughout the manual DANGER Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which if not avoided will result in death or serious injury WARNING Be alert to the possibility of serious bodily injury if the instructions are not followed Be sure to read and carefully follow all of the messages cAuTio CAUTION indicatesa potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided may ...
Page 3: ...r specialists who have access to over 4 5 million quality parts and accessories That s the kind of professionalism you can count on to help prolong the life of your new purchase for years to come Purchase your Repair Protection Agreement today Some limitations and exclusions apply For prices and additional information call 1 800 827 6655 Sears installation Service For Sears professional installati...
Page 4: ...60 23 1 IgnitorWire 11 7000893 24 2 Burners 7000083 _ Description Part 25 1 ControlPanel 7000648 26 1 Valve Hose Regulator Assembly 7000376 27 1 Shelf 7000351 28 1 Sideburner Assembly 7000488 29 1 SideburnerHandle 7000059 30 2 SideburnerHandleHexNuts 7000271 31 1 SideburnerGrate 4156376 32 1 SideburnerBurner 7000036 33 1 SideburnerIgnitorWire 24 7000894 34 3 WingNuts 4080063STD541610 35 1 Fascia 7...
Page 5: ...41 4O A 39 37 41 3 _ 4 34 42 44 48 33 _ 29 st 49 50 _ 2O 4 _ I _ 15 47 3 27 11 463351505 5 ...
Page 6: ...ethod No needfor the old style Bolt Nut combination ThruPart I FormedLockingSystem Cart Assembly Placebottom shelf on table or grill shipping carton CZZZC3 insert tabs on leg assemblywith match lighting chain into right side of bottom shelf Attach legassembly with onescrew 4 on each side insert tabs on leg assembly without match lighting chain intoleft side of bottom shelf 4 Attach legassembly wit...
Page 7: ...ut 10 onto end of tank thumbscrew Do not tighten further Attach onewasher headscrew 11 to axle rod Slide wheel on axle 10 rod Insert axle rod intolarge hole in bottom shelf Attach other wheel Qty 1 andwasher headscrew Hand hold axle rod to tighten washer head screw LegExtender J 8 Correctposition u nut Axle Rod 9 Qty l Notto scale 11 8 Qty l Notto scale Qty 2 11 Hubon wheelfaces into grillbottom W...
Page 8: ...entical and hook tabs intoslots Pull rails to latch Attach one screw 4 incenterof each rail Attach rail to legswith two screws ineach corner HINT Firmly push rail down intolegnotches Attach lowerscrew first 4 Qty 10 Rail 4 8 463351505 ...
Page 9: ...Front Panel Placepush pins 6 halfway into bottom of front panel Rotatefront panelup insertpush pins Push bottom push pins inall the way 6 Qty 4 FrontPanel 463351505 9 ...
Page 10: ...r the rails CAUTION Be careful not to dislodge burner tubes Makesure ribs on eachsideof bottom casting are nestled into notches on casting seat Attach four screws 17 insidegrill bottom and intocasting seat 17 Qty 4 17 GrillBottom J BurnerTube CastingSeat 10 463351505 ...
Page 11: ...ithWingNut or Nut inside bottom casting insertelectrode andattach with wing nut or nut Viewof electrodeattachedandaligned witha portholeinthe burner WingNutOr Nut Finger tighten only Front Electrode 463351505 11 ...
Page 12: ...tion valves intoburner tubes see burner valveview Rotate control panelup and rest flange overrail Attach control panel to legs with two screws 4 on right side onescrewintop hole onleft side 4 Qty 3 Be sure valves areinserted fully into tubes ControlPanel Note Consolemayhaveunused holesfor featuresinothergrill models Valve Hose Regulator Assy BurnerTubes l J 12 463351505 ...
Page 13: ...Shelf Slideshelfontorails until it snapsintoplace Tabfully secured Slots Shelf jJ 463351505 13 ...
Page 14: ...rews 4 insertsideburner intosideburner shelf and ontosideburner valve Makesure valvefits intosideburner tube Attach one wing nut 34 to sideburner 4 Qty 4 SidebumerShelf 34 Qty l f V _ 4 Sidebumer Sidebumertubeandvalveproperlyengaged OnlyI wingnut required 34 14 463351505 ...
Page 15: second hole through control panel and leg Fastenscrew 36 intosideburner valve bracket as shown A Attach long wire from electrode ignitionmodule to electrodebeneath sideburner B Sideburner Grate 4 Qty l 36 3 8 Qty 1 Fascia A 36 CAUTION If there is a plastic sleeveon the sideburner electrode remove it before connecting the long wire 463351505 15 ...
Page 16: ...tabs oncondiment basket intoholes infront panel Fastenwith a push pin 6 Placevaporizer tents directly overburners Insert side of battery intoignitormodule Notecorrect position to hold ignitorbutton Push on button onceto engageseal Temperature Gauge BezelTemperature Gauge LogoPlate 34 Qty 2 40 Qty l Qty 2 4O 4 _ Vaporizer Tent ControlKnob CondimentBasket Bezel Button 6 _ 16 463351505 ...
Page 17: ...leak check before attaching to grill and regulator PlaceLP tank into hole inbottom shelf with tank collar opening facing front panelas shown Finger tighten tank thumbscrew to hold LPtank securely in place SeeUseand Care section to correctly Leak Test and perform the Burner FlameCheck CAUTIO Tankcollar opening must face to front of cart once tank is attached Failure to install tank correctly may al...
Page 18: ...ttom of grease tray CAUT ON Failureto installthe grease tray and grease panwUlcause hot grease to drip from bottom of grill with risk of fire or property damage GreaseTray GreasePan Do not beconcernedif you havesome hardwareleftover Extrahardwarehasbeen includedto makesureyou haveenough 18 463351505 ...
Page 19: ...en play The LP tank used with your grill must meet the following requirements Use LP tanks only with these required measurements 12 30 5cm diameter x 18 45 7 cm tall with 20 lb 9 kg capacity maximum LP tanks must be constructed and marked in accordance with specifications for LP tank of the U S Department of Transportation DOT See LP tank collar for marking LP tank valve must have Type 1 outlet co...
Page 20: ...repeated each time LP tank is exchanged or refilled Do not smoke during leak test Do not use an open flame to check for gas leaks Grill must be leak tested outdoors in a well ventilated area away from ignition sources such as gas fired or electrical appliances During leak test keep grill away from open flames or sparks Usea clean paintbrush and a 50 50 mild soap and water solution Brush soapy solu...
Page 21: ... cannot complete the connection disconnect regulator and repeat steps 5 and 6 If you are still unable to complete the connection do not use this regulator Do not insert any tool or foreign objects into the valve outlet or safety relief valve You may damage the valve and cause a leak Leaking propane may result in explosion fire severe personal injury or death If a leak is detected at any time STOP ...
Page 22: Never operate grill with LP tank out of correct position specified in assembly instructions Always close LP tank valve and remove coupling nut before moving LP tank from specified operation position Safety Tips A Before opening LP tank valve check the coupling nut for tightness A When grill is not in use turn offall control knobs and LP tank valve A Never move grill while in operation or still ...
Page 23: knob to _ preheat to light 6 If ignitor does not work wait 5 minutes then follow match lighting instructions After Lighting Turn knobs to HIGH position for warm up Do not warm up grill with knobs in _ preheat position Knobs and handle will become uncomfortably hot if left in preheat position CAUTION ff burner does not light turn knobs to OFF wait 5 minutes and try again Always close valve durin...
Page 24: ...ewiped away with baking soda water solution or specially formulated cleaner Use non abrasive scouring powder for stubborn stains Hose Check Before each use check to see if hoses are cut worn or kinked Replace damaged hoses before using grill Use only valve hose regulator specified in the Parts List Normal Kinked Hose Hose 24 463351505 Repainting Your Grill After extended use and exposure to weathe...
Page 25: ...rthole to porthole or large holes other than portholes are found replace burner 8 Ifgrill is to be stored coat burners lightly with cooking oil Wrap in protective cover to keep insects out If not storing use following steps _ PalNuts Carry Over Tube Burner VERY _MPORTANT Burner tubes must engage valve openings as shown A Do not leave separated as shown in Figure B 9 Attach ignitor wire to electrod...
Page 26: ...ughly to kill bacteria Use a thermometer to ensure proper internal food temperatures Chill Refrigerate prepared foods and leftovers promptly For more information call USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline at 1 800 535 4555 In Washington DC 202 720 3333 10 00 am 4 00 pm EST How To Tell if Meat is Grilled Thoroughly Meat and poultry cooked on a grill often browns very fast on the outside Use a meat thermome...
Page 27: ... jumbo Venison Steak 1 thick Burgers 112 Roast 3 4 Ibs V__egetables Baking Potato whole Onions whole Tomatoeshalf Corn whole Mushrooms Setting Cooking Time Medium Medium Hot Low Medium Low Medium Low Medium Medium Hot Low Medium Medium Low Low Low Medium Medium Hot Medium Hot Low Medium Medium Medium Low Medium Low Low Medium Low Medium Med 7 10 min Well done 10 15 min Rare 3 6 min Med 6 9 min Wel...
Page 28: ...lectrode crackedor broken sparksat crack Electrode tip not in properposition Wireand orelectrodecoveredwith cookingresidue Wiresarelooseordisconnected Wiresareshorting sparking between ignitorandelectrode Continued onnext page Turnoff LPtankvalve if possiblewithoutinjurytoself Iffire cannot becontrolled with bakingsoda extinguisher call localfire department Removeburnerandinspectfor spidernestorru...
Page 29: ... Replaceignitor Inspectwireinsulationandproperconnection Replacewiresif insulationis broken See Match Lighting sectionof UseandCare Checkfor gas inLPtank Turnoff knobs wait30secondsandlight grill Ifflamesarestilllow turnoff knobsand LPtankvalve Disconnectregulator Reconnect regulatorandleak test Turnon LPtankvalve wait30 secondsand thenlightgrill Turnoff knobsandLPtankvalve Disconnect couplingnutf...
Page 30: ... right direction Isthe gaptoo big Areoutputconnections on andtight Ifpossible observegrillin darklocation Operate ignitionsystemandlookfor arcingbetweenoutputwires andgrillframe Allsparkspresentbutweak or at slowrate Hasmoistureaccumulated onelectrodeand orin burner ports Inspectelectrodesfor cracks Installbattery makesure that and connectors are orientedcorrectly with endup and enddown Replacebat...
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