Service Instructions Safety Cabinet HERAsafe KS / KSP
Valid: 12.2004 / 50077494 C
Fig. A 6
Test grid above the exhaust aperture ........................... 85
Fig. A 7
Downflow velocity test arrangement in accordance
with NSF 49, Annex A ................................................... 87
Fig. A 8
Downflow velocity test arrangement in accordance
with EN 12469 / DIN 12980 .......................................... 89
Fig. A 9
Airflow pattern I ............................................................. 91
Fig. A 10
Airflow pattern II ............................................................ 92
Fig. A 11
Noise level test .............................................................. 93
Fig. A12
Lighting intensity test ..................................................... 94
Fig. A13
Vibration test .................................................................. 95
Fig. B 1
Disinfection hood ......................................................... 100
Fig. C 1
Prefilter housing and height adjustment ..................... 101
Fig. C 2
Lifting mechanism and retaining screws ..................... 102
Fig. C 3
Equipping the prefilter housing ................................... 103