kenall MEDMASTER MRIPS Series Installation Instructions Manual Download Page 6

 www.      P: 800-4-Kenall      F: 847-360-1781      1020 Lakeside Drive Gurnee, Illinois 60031    





For warranty purposes, please fill out this form and return to Kenall by fax at (847) 360-1781.

I certify that the lighting installation for the listed MRI suite location is completed per the provided 

installation instructions and to the best of my abilities. 

Please check off items to denote status:


Installation instruction sheets for MRIPS-312 power supply and individual luminaire(s) read 


and followed.


MRIPS-312 power supply and EMI fi lters are located outside the shielded enclosure.


All DC supply wiring is completely enclosed within grounded aluminum conduit. Installation


has no ungrounded/unshielded portions of conduit or openings of any size or shape.


All dimming signal wiring is completely enclosed within grounded aluminum conduit. 


Installation has no ungrounded/unshielded portions of conduit or openings of any size or


shape. Check here if dimming is not applicable: 


MRI Room EMI fi lters for the 24VDC supply are of the type intended for MRI suites and are  



sized to the electrical load.


DC supply power and dimming signal are NOT running through the same EMI fi lter. Check here   


if dimming is not applicable: 



Lighting system fully tested (including dimming operation, if applicable) while MRI machine is    


in idle and scan operation mode.

If any of these steps cannot be completed or you need technical assistance, please contact Kenall 

Technical Support at 1-800-4KENALL (1-800-453-6255).

Electrical Contractor

Name: ___________________________________

City/State: ________________________________


Installation Date: ___________________________

Installation Site

Name: ___________________________________

City/State: ________________________________

FAX FORM TO (847) 360-1781

(Do not write below line)

Kenall Received By: ___________________________________    Received Date: ________________________________
