Service Manual Model J
engine gently. Join the upper half of the case with cement to be found in the tool box
or obtainable in tubes from motor dealers
89. AHEAD CLUTCH.--This must be very secure on the crankshaft and should not
be removed unnecessarily. It is secured by a nut and
. To
slacken the keys, proceed exactly as follows :-with the key punch provided drive in
the lower keys slightly. This slackens them and makes it possible to pull off the clutch.
When replacing the clutch it is necessary to insert the lead key stops at the back of the
lower keys (spares in tool box). If this is not done, removal of the clutch becomes a
very troublesome operation.
90. CLUTCH SLIPPING.--Causes (a) propeller blade bent; (b) shaft out of line
; (c) propeller of excessive pitch-report engine number, dimensions and speed of
boat, r.p.m. of engine at full speed.
91. CLUTCH, WORN OUT.--Causes: (a) Manipulating the clutch without first
slowing the engine; (b) running with the clutch slipping
92. REVERSING GEAR RUNNING HOT.--Causes: (a) excessive oil, drain case
and put in correct quantity; (b) slipping clutch, due to an obstruction on the propeller
or a bent blade; (c) heat generated at the rear bush, verify alignment of shafts.
93. BUSH AT REAR OF REVERSE GEAR RUNS HOT.--Causes: (a) lack of oil
due to oil leakage, renew oil according to instruction plate; (b) shafts out of line,
remove shaft coupling and check alignment of shafts with steel rule or the blade of a
carpenter's square
. Levelling washers were supplied to be used below the engine
as the foundation shrinks.
94. ABNORMAL NOISE IN REVERSE GEAR.--Should be investigated at once as
it might be caused by a slackness in some of the keys which, if permitted to continue,
may ruin the crankshaft
95. REVERSE GEAR LEAKING OIL.--(a) Drain flange not tight or joint
defective; (b) white metal run out of rear oil retaining ring
; (c) engine installed at
rake in excess of 1 in 9.
*96. BILGE WATER IN REVERSE GEAR.--The practice of cementing the bilges
restricts the space available for bilge water, with the result that a trifling amount may
rise to the level of the shaft, enter the reverse gear and ruin it entirely. This is
particularly to be guarded against if the engine is installed far aft. The clutch thrust
bearing is within the gunmetal thrust box and it cannot withstand salt water.
97. ENGINE LOSING SPEED.--If the loss has been gradual it may be due to an
accumulation of soot and salt in the silencer, clean it out, or to the fouling of the
vessel below water. A growth not visible to the eye is sufficient to affect the speed. If
the bottom is slippery to the hand the boat requires cleaning. It pays to use anti-
fouling paint as the best qualities (all brown in colour) resist growth in a temperate
climate for four months, growth begins on ordinary paint in four weeks. There are
various makes, but a good brand is obtainable from The International Paint &
Composition Co., Ltd., 31 Grosvenor Gardens House, London, S.W. 1.