Keller America Inc
User’s Guide
Rev. 07/19
Keller America Inc
User’s Guide
Rev. 07/19
VI. Options /Accessories:
Titanium Construction
- Optional for the Acculevel and Preciseline. Highly recommend-
ed for brackish and sea water applications.
External Surge Protector
- Recommended for lightning/surge protection of user’s power
supply/readout/PLC, etc. To be used in conjunction with Levelgage, Acculevel, LevelRat,
Econolevel, Microlevel, Nanolevel, Valueline, or Preciseline transmitters.
½” NPT Pipe conduit fitting
- ½” NPT male fitting, allows rigid mounting to ½” conduit for
Levelgage, Acculevel, or LevelRat submersible transmitters. It can also be added to our
Preciseline and Valueline pressure transmitters.
Drying Tube Assembly
- Clear tube filled with indicating desiccant, attaches directly to
cable vent tube, intercepts water vapor. Highly recommended when operating is in high
humidity conditions. Must be periodically renewed as desiccant becomes saturated,
turning color from blue (dry) to pink (saturated).
Bellows Assembly
- Alternative to the drying tube, this aneroid bellows attaches to
cable vent tube and requires no periodic maintenance. Note that the use of the bellows
results in a closed reference pressure system subject to zero shift errors induced by
changing temperatures of up to 0.0004 psi/ºC. Not recommended for use with accuracy
requirements of ±0.25% FS or better, or ranges < 2 psi.
Electrical Connectors
- mPm393 is optional for the Econoline, DIN43650 and MIL-C
26482 are optional for Valueline and Preciseline. The mPm393 and MIL-C 26482 mating
connectors feature solder cups while the DIN43650 incorporates screw terminals.
RS485 Converter/Cable
- For the user who wishes to communicate with their Acculevel,
LevelRat, Nanolevel, Microlevel, or Preciseline transmitter via the RS485 digital interface.
Available in RS232 and USB versions, along with cable adapters, as needed, and CCS30
Software (also available for download, free of charge from www.kelleramerica.com).
Consult factory for details.
Termination Enclosure
- Convenient option complementing gauge-type pressure/level
transmitters, where it is desired to terminate the transmitter cable close to the mea-
surement point. It includes a NEMA 4X clear front enclosure (7.9 X 4.7 X 3.5 inches) with
two, liquid-tight cable fittings (one in, one out), a terminal strip, and ample room for
mounting a drying tube or bellows assembly.
Stabilizing Weight
- Zinc prop shaft anode adapted to fit Ø21 mm O.D. of Levelgage,
Acculevel, and LevelRat submersible level transmitters. Aids in corrosion resistance as
well as helps ensure that the cable remains taut in turbulent conditions.
Cable Hanger
- Single eye for 0.230” diameter cable. Designed to grip the cable jacket
and provide a suspension point for installation of cabled transmitters.
Pressure Test Adapters
- Designed to facilitate calibration and maintenance testing,
these specialty adapters allow for connection of the various Keller level transmitters to a
pressure calibrator.
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- The Econolevel by Keller is a low cost general purpose submersible level
transmitter designed for high volume applications. It is available in nominal pressure
ranges for tank and well level monitoring applications. The Econolevel provides a
4…20mA analog output that is compatible with most SCADA systems and PLCs. Mini-
mum order quantities apply.
IV. Product Overview cont’d - Pressure Transmitters
- The Econoline by Keller is a low cost general purpose pressure transmitter. It
is available in nominal pressure ranges between 5psi and 10,000psi and with a threaded
¼”NPT pressure connection. Ideal for tank and pipe pressure monitoring application, it
provides either 4…20mA or 0.5…4.5VDC (ratiometric or non-ratiometric) analog outputs
that are compatible with most SCADA systems and PLCs.
- The Valueline by Keller is a highly versatile and accurate pressure transmitter.
It is available in custom pressure ranges from 0…2 through 0…15,000PSI and your choice
of electrical connections including attached cable, DIN 43650, and MIL-C-26482 connec-
tors. The attached cable version is fully submersible, making it the ideal choice when
installed in a valve pit or other environment prone to periodic flooding. The Valueline
also carries the NSF 61 and NSF372 approvals for drinking water applications.
- The Preciseline is our most accurate above-ground pressure transmitter.
With standard accuracy of 0.25% BR TEB and optional 0.1% BR TEB, a ¼” NPT pressure
connection, and dual outputs (analog and digital) the Preciseline offers versatility in
design and application. Like the Acculevel, the analog output can be rescaled via the
RS485 interface. The RS485 interface also allows temperature data to be retrieved if the
application demands. Like the Valueline, the Preciseline is included in the NSF61 and
372 approvals.
Preciseline SDI
- The Preciseline SDI is highly precise pressure transmitter that is avail-
able with SDI-12 or RS485 digital communication protocols. It is available with standard
accuracy of ±0.1% FS TEB in ranges up to 900 ftWC and optional USGS OSW accuracy
for ranges up to 70 ftWC. It comes with your choice of attached cable or MIL-C-26482
connector electrical connections. The cable version is fully submersible, making it the
ideal choice in environments prone to periodic flooding, while the NSF 61 and NSF 372
approvals make the Preciseline SDI suitable for use in drinking water applications.
V. Lightning / Surge Protection:
As of this writing, Keller is the only pressure/level transmitter manufacturer in the world
to provide, at no additional charge, a lifetime warranty against damage caused by light-
ning and/or electrical surge. This guarantee applies to the 4…20 mA output
version of the following products: Levelgage, Acculevel, LevelRat, Microlevel, Valueline,
and Preciseline. This warranty applies even in the case of a direct lightning strike. The
user’s liability is limited to shipping costs to Keller America.
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