2 - 7
1. Install a Parallel I/O board (refer to its user guide for installation
instructions). Be sure to assign it a Base Address.
2. Con
gure Terminal Block TB7 for the appropriate source of power
(see Section 2.2).
3. Set the Port Direction Switch (see Section 2.3).
4. Plug your selection of input/output modules into locations
KA0-KA7, KB0-KB7, and/or KC0-KC7.
5. Make external connections to the appropriate I/O terminal blocks
(TB1 and TB2 for Port A, TB3 and TB4 for Port B, TB5 for Port C/LO
and TB6 for Port C/HI).
If using DC modules, observe the polarity markings at each
terminal location.
6. Install the Hold-Down Bracket.
7. Plug the Parallel I/O card into your computer and connect it to the
SSIO-24 with the appropriate cable. For the PIO-12, PIO-24,
uPIO-12, or uPIO-24 plug the C-18xx cable into SSIO-24 Connector
J1. For the PIO-96, plug the CACC-2000 cable into SSIO-24
Connector J2.
You are now ready to program the Parallel I/O card’s ports to
correspond with those on the SSIO-24. Be very careful to observe the
direction of the ports on the SSIO-24 (refer to the Port Direction Switch).
For example, if Port A on the SSIO-24 is set for INPUT, then Port A on
the Parallel I/O card must be set for INPUT.
Setting corresponding ports on the Parallel I/O Card and
the SSIO-24 for opposing directions (Port A on the Parallel
I/O Card for input and Port A on the SSIO-24 for output)
could result in permanent damage to the Parallel I/O card
and the SSIO-24.