In this section:
Introduction .............................................................................. 3-1
Environmental conditions ......................................................... 3-1
Warmup period ......................................................................... 3-2
Calibration considerations ........................................................ 3-2
Instrument setup ...................................................................... 3-3
Remote calibration adjustment procedure ................................ 3-6
Use the procedures in this section to calibrate the Model DMM7510.
You must calibrate using the Test Script Processor (TSP
) commands provided in this manual.
Calibration commands are not available through SCPI.
All procedures in this section require accurate equipment calibration to supply precise DC and AC
voltages, DC and AC currents, and resistance values. Calibration can be performed at any time by an
operator using the remote commands sent over the IEEE-488 bus, ethernet, or USB device (type B).
The information in this section is intended for qualified service personnel only. Do not
attempt these procedures unless you are qualified to do so. Some of these procedures may
expose you to hazardous voltages, which could cause personal injury or death if contacted.
Use appropriate safety precautions when working with hazardous voltages.
Environmental conditions
To ensure accurate results, the calibration environment must meet the following conditions.
Temperature and relative humidity
Conduct the calibration procedures in a test environment with:
An ambient temperature of 22 °C to 24 °C (72 °F to 75 °F)
A relative humidity of less than or equal to 40 percent, unless otherwise noted.
Section 3