Models 707B and 708B 199BSwitching Matrix User's Manual
Section 3: Using the web interface
707B-900-01 Rev. B / June 2013
channel.setlabelrow("1A01", "SMU1")
channel.setlabelrow("1B01", "SMU2")
channel.setlabelrow("1C01", "GNDU")
channel.setlabelrow("1G01", "CVUH")
channel.setlabelrow("1H01", "CVUL")
channel.setlabelcolumn("1A01", "DUT1")
channel.setlabelcolumn("1B02", "DUT2")
channel.setlabelcolumn("1C03", "DUT3")"allslots")
Commands and parameters for Models 707B and 708B are case-sensitive. It is important to type in
the commands exactly as show to avoid any syntax and execution errors.
5. Click
Save Script
. The script is added to the User Scripts list.
Standard edit functions, such as Copy, Cut, and Paste, work within TSB Embedded.
Figure 24: Script added to User Scripts list
6. To run the script, select the script in the User Scripts list and click
7. The Instrument Output box displays any error messages and output from the script.