Model 2657A-PM-200 Protection Module
PA-1055 Rev. A / February 2012
Verify diodes between HI / sense HI and guard
A Keithley SourceMeter
instrument capable of sourcing 10 mA at 10 V is required for verification procedures A
and B.
Verification procedure A
Verify the operation of the diodes between Sense HI and Guard of the Model 2657A-PM-200:
1. As shown in the connection drawing below, connect the source-measure unit (SMU) to the SH triaxial
connector of the protection module:
a. Connect the SMU Force HI terminal to the center conductor of the SH IN triaxial connector of the Model
b. Connect the SMU Force LO terminal to the inner shield of the SH IN triaxial connector of the Model
Figure 9: Connections for verification procedure A
2. Configure the SMU to source current and measure voltage.
3. Program the current source level to 10 mA.
4. Set the voltage limit to 10 V.
5. Turn on the SMU output.
6. Verify that the voltage measured by the SMU is between 0.6 V and 1.0 V.
7. Program the SMU current source level to -10 mA.
8. Verify that the voltage measured is between -0.6 V and -1.0 V.