+000.0000 mVDC
Rdg#+00000 @Time =+000.000000 sec
2. Use the RANGE keys to increment and decrement
the reading number and scroll through the buffer.
3. The NEXT and PREV DISPLAY keys can be used
while recalling readings to access additional buffer
data, such as maximum and minimum readings.
The following code fragment configures the Model
2001 for high speed DC voltage readings, stores 100
readings, and sends the readings over the bus:
100 OUTPUT 716;“:syst:pres”
110 OUTPUT 716;“:volt:dc:nplc 0.01”
120 OUTPUT 716;“:trac:clear”
130 OUTPUT 716;“:trac:feed calc”
140 OUTPUT 716;“:trac:egr full”
150 OUTPUT 716;“:trac:poin 100”
160 OUTPUT 716;“:trac:feed:cont next”
170 OUTPUT 716;“:trac:data?”
180 ENTER 716;A$
190 PRINT A$