Keithley 165 Instruction Manual Download Page 50

Summary of Contents for 165


Page 2: ...4 4 Model 1653 Rack Mounting K L 5 Maintenance 5 1 General 5 2 Recommended Tesr Equipment 5 3 Performance YerificaLia 5 4 Calibration 5 5 companenr an Calibration Layouts 5 b some Semiconductor case o...

Page 3: ...ILLUSTRATIONS ii t...



Page 6: ...POWERON CR Nu INPUT INPUT s 301 3403 0 HI SOURCE S40lA S4OlB 5402 3401 5402...


Page 8: ...for a voltage of line frequency o twice line frequency with at leas 10 of full range dc applied COMmN MODEREJECTION RATlO cxea 120 dB on the 10 mv 100 mv and 1 ranges 80 da 0 the 10 range 70 da on th...

Page 9: spaced with Ii inch bewee centers to mate wit a standard dual banana plug such as Keitbley Part No Lx Banana plug co alligator clip cables available through my local electronics supply house such a...

Page 10: ...b AC VOLTS OwraCion The Model 165 provide5 five and one half decades six ranees of ac vo1caee T...

Page 11: ...termifLe t input voltage which calI be safely applied 0 manually selected l volt and lower ranges is 250 0lt S rms when aperacing manually on the 10 volt to 500 volt mls ranges or in the auroranging m...

Page 12: ...arked AUTO a Measurement Procedure Select the OHMSfunc tion siw the FUNCTION switch set the RANGEswitch and make input c necrio s t he front pa el ter minals The digital d splay indicates decimal 1 lo...

Page 13: ...junc tion The forward voltage drop of this juncria at lti is displayed a the Model 165 if Lhe junction is connecred between the input terminals in the foward polarity Note thaf the lmA c rre f a rce i...

Page 14: ...plied to the unipolar amplifier aSsin through C422 C 0 the 10 Millivolt Range 0 the 10 mini volt ran a second x 10 amplifier 9 4405 further amplifies the signal and it 16 applied tbrouSh 4408 co the u...

Page 15: ...its the input oILage at the naSafi e terminal of QA402 to the supply olfaSe Under positive o er loads D414 limits the neSari a input of QA402 to the positive voltage This drives the output of QA402 ne...

Page 16: ...t the Lnput node of the integrator This reference c rrent is determined from the 9 volt reference the emitter follower between terminals 6 and 7 of QA201 the 9 kilohm resistance between fer minds 5 an...

Page 17: is connected CO LO which inhibifs the out puts to Rl R2 and R4 in the LSI cup The uncricm is selected by S4OI A Deck No 1 Table 3 3 indicaes the complete Crurh table for all functions and ran es of...

Page 18: ...o 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 100 A 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1OOllA 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ImA 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 lOmA 1 0 1 0 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 look4 1 1 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 0...

Page 19: ...ould be used to connect to the c rrenf source FIGURE 11 Model 1651 SO Ampere Shunt 4 4 MODEL1653 RACKNOUNTINS KIT The Model 1653 picfured in Figure 12 is a single rack mounting kit which converts the...

Page 20: ...he front panel power switch to ON and allow the Modal 165 to stabilize at ambient tern perature for at least two hours C Zero Verification Table 5 2 shows the allow ccl tolerance of zero oo all ranges...

Page 21: ...eminals on the front panel I MAmTENANCE 2 set the functia switch co DC AWS 3 Set the range switch to AUTO 4 depress the ImA pushbutton the display read in should be between D 9 and l l millimp 5 eet t...

Page 22: ...100 PA 00 0 f3 i0 2 1mA 000 33 0 2 10 mA 0 00 i3 to 2 100 00 0 f3 io 2 1 A 000 3 to 2 w AC Amps 100 pA 00 0 4 di its to 2 digiC C lm 4 000 4 20 2 10 mA 0 00 4 20 2 100 DlA 00 0 4 0 2 1A 000 4 o i sho...

Page 23: ...Y 500 4 to 15 14 5 1 Y 20 Hz ztO 15 1 1 000 5 5 digit8 fO 2 di t C 18 5 DCV Source A DC Current 165 DisplPy Reading Temperature DCA Source p ReSiStOr E Range ReadiD Tolerance Coefficient 10MO 1or 1 0...

Page 24: ...ted to earth ground by way of the third conductor a the power card or by way of a separate clip lead from the GND rerminal to earrh ground 4 Set the front panel power ewttch to ON and allow the Model...

Page 25: ...o move anything around in the ifin ity of the 100 megohm resistance creating small elec trost tic currents Again autoranging is suggested for convenience although manual ranging may be used throughour...

Page 26: ...c403 C402 FIGLiKE 13 CaUb ation Adjustments through Bottom cover 22...

Page 27: ...ackard 745 4 746 D Current Source DC 0 05Y Fluke 33308 E current Resistors DC 0 01x General Radio 1433Y F Current Resistors AC lkn 0 12 1 4w lOkn i 0 1x mw lOOk f 0 1 l BW mata film G Resistance Sourc...

Page 28: ...0 0 00 1 0 1 000 1 C OOll 0 1 000 l 03 4 1 2 001 2 0112 1 2 1 2 001 z 01 z 1 z 001 2 01 z 1 z 1 z 3 4 003 4 03 4 3 4 3 4 1 z 001 01 1 om 01 2 1 2 TABLE S 10 DC Volts Calibration erifl caria DC Voltage...

Page 29: ...ts Calibratinn ertiicatinn 10 nl 1lrHz 0 142x 10 rn 10 00 9 94 10 06 100 rn lktk to 052 100 rn 100 0 99 415 100 5 6 1Y l dz 0 052 1 1 000 994 5 1 00516 10 l dZ 0 052 10 10 00 9 9415 10 0516 100 v lkH7...

Page 30: ...01 10 01 zo az zo az I 6 I 6 10 WA 10 WA 10 00 10 00 9 7617 9 7617 10 07 s 10 07 s 10 01 10 01 1kKS 1kKS lkc lkc 100 mA 100 mA 10 0 10 0 9 6 9 6 10 4 10 4 10 01 10 01 1kHZ udiz 1kIl 1kIl 1A 1A 10 10...

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Page 32: ...MAINTENANCE MODEL165 h I I I I T L 28 FIGURE16 ComponentLayout Readour Board PC 319 0375 1...


Page 34: ...30 NO TG 41 KEITHLEY PART NO IC 22 KEITHLEY PART NO IC 2 2 1073 Q...

Page 35: ...FIGURE 17 PC Board A88embly 0375 31 T...

Page 36: ...g adjustments 1 Recalibrate per section 5 4 2 Paeieian wiree per Figure 14 1 Check for 5X duty cycle 9680 k300 Hz waveform at pin 12 13 of QA602 If OC replace Q 4503 or QA602 2 800 mi crosec 252 duty...

Page 37: ...hrough 0404 lb RN401 lc s4olA oeck NO 2 la Q405 lb QA402 lc 0414 0415 la Check waveform ac a node of 0421 and 0422 it should not be il squarewave check for 0ifficulty a in Table 5 15 lb Check R420 and...

Page 38: ...BLEPARTS MODEL165 SECTION 6 REPLACEABLE PARTS TABLE 6 1 Abbreviations and Svmbols Glass enclosed Carbon Llert7 cps IdlO 103 milli m 3 Mefallized Polyester micro lo fJ Metallized Mylar M S 106 Manufact...

Page 39: ...TO raw PC 318 from Bottom ccwer 14 Screw Phillips Pan Rd 6 32 x 5 16 2 TO rsmO e PC 318 from rear panel 15 Screw Phillips Pan d 6 32 x 5 16 1 __ 16 Kc Nut 6 32 1 6 6 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST Table 6 4 C...

Page 40: ...REPLACEABLEPARTS x I 36 FIG RE 18 Chassis Assembly Exploded Yiew...

Page 41: ...Denis Part NC3 ci DlOl Rectifier 01295 1N645 RF 14 17 0102 Fwctifis 0 295 1N645 RF 4 17 0103 Rectifier 01295 IN645 RF 14 17 0104 Rectifier 01295 lN645 RF 14 17 0105 RecLifi er 01295 IN645 RF 14 17 01...

Page 42: ...r 14 pin DIP 01295 SN7406 IC 62 3 QA105 Hex Inverrer 4 pin DIP 01295 SN7406 K 62 3 QA106 Quad NAND 14 pin DIP 04713 C858P K 22 1 QA107 Hex 1nverter 14 pin DIP 01295 SN7406 K 62 3 CiK iC Mfr Mfr Keithl...

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Page 44: ...89P 2KO RP89 2K 1 OllZl CB 154s10 R76 150K 1 01121 CB 103 10 R76 10K 6 Oll2l CB 103 10 876 1OK 6 R209 nm Lo L 4W camp 01121 G 105 10 R76 1M R210 Not Used Fall lOK0 0 75w carmet 73138 89P 10KR RP89 LOK...

Page 45: ...gulator w case m 3 12040 LM309K Integrated circuit Voltage Regulator 12 case TO 220 0 263 UC 7812393 CAPACITORS CilZC iC Mfr Mfr _ n 34 K 60 c301 2000 F 15 FAL C302 200 JF 35 EAL c303 100 pF 15 EM c30...

Page 46: ...289 loss s20 17554 TSD120125 72982 8131050651105M CISZ O22M C152 022f f 1 c179 1 2M c237 In 56289 loss 10 C22 olM 17554 To4015336 10 CZZB 33M 72982 81210506X 104M C237 1M 72982 8131050651 105M C237 1M...

Page 47: ...38 07263 lN3595 w 43 07263 lN3595 RF 43 01295 IN914 01295 lN914 01295 IN914 RF 28 RF 28 RF 28 4 4 4 4 2 1 2 2 4 4 8 8 2 1 4 4 8 8 8 2 Ci C it Mfr Nf Des 8 Description Code DSie Part NO otv K401 Singl...

Page 48: ...OLW x 7 4 QA606 operational hlplifier B pin DIP 07263 Special XC 76 6 9 4 07 Not Used Q 4408 NOL Used QA409 Operational Amplifier a pin case TO 99 12040 u431011 X 18 2 QA410 Voltage regulator 6 Cast T...

Page 49: ...TYZ 108 89P 1OKn CM TO 825 CB 471 m CBTYZ 108 CB 101 10 cw 1ooy 1 CB 39s10 89P 1OKn CB 106 10 CEA l oKI1 89 1OKG CB 47 10 m 47 10 EB 560KZ CEA 6 8us CB 225 102 CB 22s10 CB 72 iox CB 103 10 CL ll 0 CB...

Page 50: ...CL 103 101 R76 10K 6 R467 4 7Ki2 10 l 4 camp OllZl CB 472 10X R76 4 7R 6 R468 b wHr 1x l l Mm 07716 CEA 6 98m R88 6 98K 2 R469 4 99wi I lftw HtF 07716 cF A 4 99KQ Km 4 99K 1 R470 lrn 1x l N MLF 07716...

Page 51: ...164 LSI 2 LSI 2 1 QA502 Large Scale IC 80164 LSi 3 LSI 3 1 QA503 Timing Logic pill DIP 12954 1N709 IC 71 1 RESISTORS circuit Mfr Mr Lksig Description Code Desig 8501 2 2KO 10 1 4 w camp 01121 CB 10 85...

Page 52: ...45 RF 14 17 Db08 Rectifier 01295 IN645 RF 14 17 DIODE NETWORK Circuit HfT Mfr Keithley ksir D SC iptiO Code Desig Part NO Qty DN6Ol 7 diodes 14 pin DIP 0726 FSA2620M DN l 1 I Transistors CilT iC Mfr M...

Page 53: ...UP 18 Jumper hmny Resiscar for PC 318 1 J 3 Line Mains Power Cord SBL 1 co 7 Mounfing Kit for Q405 ranaiator 1 IX 6 Mounting NW for s402 1 PA 59 Plate Cover Calibrarion Access 1 2534BA screw Slotted...

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