This service manual serves as KEEWAY America’s promise of quality service and
technical support for its entire line of vehicles. This manual is intended to provide most
of the necessary information for the proper service and maintenance of all 50cc scooters.
KEEWAY 50cc scooters lie on the cutting edge of technology, offering such creature
comforts as:
Fully-automatic, belt-driven transmission
Forced air-cooling system
CDI ignition system
Electric start with security system/remote start capabilities
These 50cc scooters are intended to fit the needs of a wide array of potential riders. In
order to remain familiar with the proper service procedures, authorized technicians
should periodically review this manual.
Please understand that this service manual acts as a general guide for KEEWAY’s entire
line of 50cc, 2-stroke scooters. Model-specific information such as vehicle
specifications, wiring diagrams and technical/service bulletins will follow, keeping this
guide as complete and current as possible.
For any questions or concerns not addressed in this service manual or any succeeding
documents, please don’t hesitate to contact KEEWAY America directly.