Keeler AccuPen user’s guide
• USA: 1-800-523-5620 • UK: +44 (0) 1753-857177
5. The PachPen will emit a high-pitched chirp (beep) when you have automatically
acquired a measurement.
6. The PachPen will emit three high-pitched chirps (beeps) when the ninth
measurement has been taken, or if the measurement time expires.
1. The PachPen can take up to nine
measurements and provide the
average of those measurements.
This average is the number used
when calculating the true intraocular
pressure (TIOP).
2. The * symbol by a measurement
indicates the reading that is furthest
away from the average.
3. You can review the measurements
taken by pressing the up and down
control buttons.
4. You can delete any measurement taken by touching and holding either the up
or down control button for several seconds (until the unit emits a high-pitched
chirp). After deleting a measurement, the unit will automatically recalculate the
average of the measurements.
How to perform a calculation
After you have completed a patient’s measurements, you can calculate the true IOP for
the patient. You can perform the calculation from the MIOP screen.
To calculate true IOP:
1. From the measurement screen, select
the MIOP screen by pressing and
holding the action control button for 2
to 3 seconds.
2. Enter the measured IOP by pressing
the up and down control buttons until
the proper measured IOP is displayed.
If you make a mistake, just reselect the
correct value.
3. The True IOP based on the average of the
measurements taken is displayed below the measured IOP.
4. Return to the measurement screen by pressing and holding the action control
button until the measurement screen appears.
Figure 3.6 - Measurement screen starting
new patient
Figure 3.7 - True IOP screen