Switching on the input
For applications that require cyclic switching on and off of the drive converter, maintain
an off-time of at least 5 min after the last switch on. If you require shorter cycle times
please contact KEB Automation KG.
Short-circuit proof
The drive converters are conditional short-circuit proof. After resetting the internal pro-
tection devices, the function as directed is guaranteed.
• If an earth-leakage fault or short-circuit often occurs at the output, this can lead to a
defect in the unit.
• If a short-circuit occurs during regenerative operation (2nd or 4th quadrant, regen-
eration into the DC link), this can lead to a defect in the unit.
1.6 Maintenance
The following maintenance work has to be carried out when required, but at least once
per year by authorized and trained personnel.
Check unit for loose screws and plugs and tighten if necessary.
Clean drive converter from dirt and dust deposits. Pay attention especially to cool-
ing fins and protective grid of the fans.
► Examine and clean extracted air filter and cooling air filter of the control cabinet.
Check the function of the fans of the drive converter. The fan must be replaced in
case of audible vibrations or squeak.
Make a visual leak test of the cooling circuit for water-cooled inverters.
1.7 Repair
In case of malfunction, unusual noises or smells inform a person in charge!
Unauthorized exchange, repair and modifications!
Unpredictable malfunctions!
The function of the drive converter is dependent on its parameteriza-
tion. Never replace without knowledge of the application.
► Modification or repair is permitted only by
KEB Automation KG au-
thorized personnel.
Only use original manufacturer parts.
Infringement will annul the liability for resulting consequences.
In case of failure, please contact the machine manufacturer. Only the machine manu-
facturer knows the parameterisation of the used drive converter and can provide an
appropriate replacement or induce the maintenance.