TTL / HTL - Encoder Interface
2.3 Tested encoder
The following TTL incremental encoder have been tested by KEB on it application:
• Heidenhain ROD 426
The following HTL-incremental encoder have been tested by KEB on it application:
• Heidenhain ROD 436
However, this does not restrict the use of rotary encoder with same specifications of other
2.4 Start-up
After the installation or exchange of an encoder interface some adjustments of the inverter/
servo software have to be done before operation:
• Switch on inverter
• Select application mode
• Select parameter Ec.0 and absolutely confirm the displayed value with
• Select parameter Ec.1 and adjust increments per revolution
2.5 Encoder 1 status (Ec.37)
The parameter Ec.37 displays the current status of the encoder at channel 1.
Description Ec.37
no communication between interface and control card
Encoder and interface are correct; position values are transferred; encoder
relay is pulled in
A relay contact serves as acknowledge contact. This error is released, if
triggering signal and acknowledge contact are different longer than 10 ms.
Speed tripping at a speed > 3800 rpm. Depending on the exceeding the
break time amounts to 16...128 ms (plus relay break time < 10 ms).
The acceleration tripping is depending on switch S200 and amounts to
• the evaluation of both tracks of a speed of 3750 rpm
• the evaluation of one track of a speed of 5610 rpm
Depending on the exceeding the break time amount to 48...176 ms (plus
relay break time < 10 ms).
no communication between interface and control card
If Ec.37 <> 16 the COMBIVERT F5-M/S switches off with error 35 "E.EnCC" (error encoder
change) when the modulation is switched on. F5-G switches only to error, if encoder channel
1 is activated (S.1 = 0) as actual value source for the speed controller.
Error messages and their meaning are described in Chapter 9 of the application manual.