EnDat at Channel 1
GB - 11
Encoder 1 status (Ec.37)
This parameter displays, by means of different status messages, the status of encoder and
interface. Dependent on the encoder only special messages are possible. All errors are only
set at control release, although they are already displayed in Ec.37.
Value Description
The following value is displayed at correct operation:
Position values are being transferred, encoder and interface are working
The following status messages triggers „Error Encoder Change“ (E.EncC) because the
correct evaluation of the position is no longer guaranteed .
Error E.EncC can only be reset via parameter Ec.0. Exception ! An error due to wrong
increments per revolution (value 70) is reset immediately, if the correct increments per
revolution are adjusted (from software 2.7).
Attention, the modulation is released, when the control release is still set!
Encoder is unknown and will not be supported
The signals of the incremental track are not correct, e.g. no encoder is con-
nected or the encoder cable is defective.
The signals of the absolute track are not correct. The absolute track at Endat,
Hiperface and SSI-Sin/Cos is digital. The absolute track at Sin/Cos is analog.
Position deviation too high. The position determined by the incremental signals
and the absolute position (of absolute track, zero signal or serial selected) does
no longer correspond or cannot be corrected.
Increments per revolution adjusted in the inverter does not correspond with en-
coder increments per revolution.
Interface type is unknown: Interface has not been recognized.
Encoder temperature too high (message from encoder)
Rotary speed is too high (message from encoder)
Encoder signals are outside the specification (message from encoder)
Encoder has internal defect (message from encoder)
Encoder will be formatted. When writing an encoder with memory structures
different from the KEB-definition, their memories will be re-organized in such a
manner that they can be written. This procedure can take some seconds, depen-
ding on the respective memory structure.
New value detected, because an another encoder is attached.
Interface is busy
The following status messages triggers „Error Encoder 1“ (E.Enc1), if encoder data is
KEB-reference is undefined. Memory structure of the encoder does not corre
spond to the KEB-definition and therefore data cannot be read. The encoder is
defined by writing data. At F5-S the error is reset as follow:
Writing a position to Ec.2.
Perform a system position trimming
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