KDK E48GP Application Instructions Download Page 27


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” logo is an approval mark of “Wi-Fi Alliance



• “Wi-Fi Protected Setup


” logo is an approval mark of “Wi-Fi Alliance



• Other names, company names, product names, etc described in this manual are 

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are not listed.

About Software

This product incorporates the following software:
1) The software developed independently by or for Panasonic Corporation,
2) The software owned by third party and licensed to Panasonic Corporation,
3) The software licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.0 
(GPL V2.0),
4) Open sourced software other than the software licensed under the GPL V2.0.
The software categorized as (3) and (4) are distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
but without any warranty, without even the implied warranty of [merchantability] or [fi tness 
for a particular purpose]. Please refer to the detailed terms and conditions thereof shown 
in the “Software License” menu on this product.
At least three (3) years from delivery of this product, we will give to any third party who 
contacts us at the contact information provided below, for a charge no more than our cost 
of physically performing source code distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of 
the corresponding source code covered under GPL V2.0 or the other licenses with the 
obligation to do so, as well as the respective copyright notice thereof.
Contact information:
KDK Fans Malaysia Customer Service.


lwIP is licenced under the BSD licence:
Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Swedish Institute of Computer Science.
All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Swedish Institute of Computer Science. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002 CITEL Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2007 Dominik Spies <[email protected]> All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Adam Dunkels. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Swedish Institute of Computer Science.
Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Leon Woestenberg <[email protected]>
Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Axon Digital Design B.V., The Netherlands.
All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Leon Woestenberg <[email protected]>
Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Axon Digital Design B.V., The Netherlands.
All rights reserved.


Copyright (c) 2016 The MINIX 3 Project.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modifi cation, are 
permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of 
conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list 
of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials 
provided with the distribution.
3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from 
this software without specifi c prior written permission.
Copyright (C) 2006-2015, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved
Copyright (C) 2006-2016, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved

Apache License

Version 2.0, January 2004



1. Defi nitions.

“License” shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as 
defi ned by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
“Licensor” shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that 
is granting the License.
“Legal Entity” shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, 
are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of 
this defi nition, “control” means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or 
management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fi fty 
percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) benefi cial ownership of such 
“You” (or “Your”) shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted 
by this License.
“Source” form shall mean the preferred form for making modifi cations, including but not 
limited to software source code, documentation source, and confi guration fi les.
“Object” form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or 
translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated 
documentation, and conversions to other media types.
“Work” shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made 
available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or 
attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
“Derivative Works” shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is 
based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, 
elaborations, or other modifi cations represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. 
For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain 
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and 
Derivative Works thereof.
“Contribution” shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the 
Work and any modifi cations or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that 
is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or 
by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. 
For the purposes of this defi nition, “submitted” means any form of electronic, verbal, or 
written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited 
to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue 
tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of 
discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously 
marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as “Not a Contribution.”
“Contributor” shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom 
a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the 

2. Grant of Copyright License. 

Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, 

each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, 
royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, 
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative 
Works in Source or Object form.

3. Grant of Patent License. 

Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each 

Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, 
royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have 
made, use, off er to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license 
applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily 
infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the 
Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You  institute patent litigation against 
any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work 
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent 
infringement, then any patent licenses       granted to You under this License for that Work 
shall terminate as of the date such litigation is fi led.

4. Redistribution. 

You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative 

Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifi cations, and in Source or Object form, 
provided that You meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this 
License; and
(b) You must cause any modifi ed fi les to carry prominent notices stating that You changed 
the fi les; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all 
copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, 
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a “NOTICE” text fi le as part of its distribution, then any Derivative 
Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained 
within such NOTICE fi le, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of 
the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text fi le 
distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if 
provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative 
Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the 
NOTICE fi le are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may 
add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside 
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional 
attribution notices cannot be construed


as modifying the License.





Summary of Contents for E48GP

Page 1: ... for future use System Overview 2 3 How to prepare for setup 4 5 How to connect product to home network 5 10 How to register product to smart devices 11 12 How to use 13 25 How to cancel registration of ceiling fan 26 Copyright 27 30 Contents ᔖҢแԒᇳ Ӥਉ ཐᗂௌᗊີ KDK ࠢȄ ᐇհԪ ࠢࠉȂ рಠᎧ ᇳ ਪȂ ٮ Ԇҏ ЙыоհРࡣ ՃȄ ف ಛ क़ 2 3 ԃդྥര೩ည 4 5 ԃդ ࠢ ڗ ড়Ңᆩၯ 5 10 ԃդӵසኋ೩രΰຝы ࠢ 11 12 ԃդ ٺ Ң 13 25 ԃդ ڥ ੑӤਉຝы 26 ގ 27 30 Ҭᓃ Complies...

Page 2: ...parately ձሯौѪ ྥര ᗊີ ܖ ॏᗊ ࠢސޟ Download from App Store Play Store ġApp Store ڷ ġPlay Store KDK Ceiling Fan Network Adaptor ᆩၯϭ७њ Wi Fi Module built in Model ဴ DNSK P11 Input Voltage ᒯΣႫᔆ DC 5V From Ceiling Fan Unit Current Consumption Ⴋࢺੑૉ Tx Rx max 290 100 mA Wi Fi standard Wi Fi ྥ IEEE 802 11 b g n Frequency range ᓜ ጒ 2 4 GHz band Encryption ё WPA2 PSK TKIP AES Specification ೣਿ Precaution ωЖ DO NOT...

Page 3: ...Button Press to select Light color White 9 LIGHT Button Increase light brightness gradually 10 LIGHT Button Decrease light brightness gradually 11 LIGHT OFF ON Button Turn off or turn on the Light ON Short beeping sound OFF Long beeping sound 1 OFF ONġࡸ໖ ࡸή џంଢ଼ ܖ ୄХӤਉȄ ON ีю ߴ ޟ ɆქɇᖐȄ OFF ีюߝߝ ޟ ɆქɇᖐȄ 2 SPEED ࡸ໖ ቨёॳਉഀ Ȃശσഀ ġ10Ȅ 3 SPEED ࡸ໖ ६ճॳਉഀ Ȃശωഀ ġ1Ȅ 4 REVERSE ࡸ໖ ᡐॳਉఋᙽПөĩ ਢବȃଛਢବĪȄ 5 Wi Fi ࡸ໖ ܖ ᜰ...

Page 4: ...App However other charges may be incurred for network connection App Setting ᔖҢแԒ೩ည Before setting Confirm the wireless router is connected to the network correctly Confirm the Wi Fi of the smart devices is activated Smart devices and ceiling fan should be connected to the same wireless router Get started on KDK Ceiling Fan App ۖ ٺ Ңġ KDK Ceiling Fan ᔖҢแԒ Before using the App ensure to read the Term...

Page 5: ...fan is rotating after the wall switch is on turn OFF the ceiling fan by pressing the OFF ON button on remote control 4 Before connecting smart devices to product please ensure your smart devices have been connected to your Wi Fi router 5 Press Next If fan rotating ԃ ॳݎ ਉᙽଢ଼ Login with Panasonic ID ٺ ҢġPanasonic ID ิᓃ Note ര ݧ ġ This screen only appears during first time of ceiling fan network setup ...

Page 6: ...k Method 1 WPS Wi Fi Protected Setup Press WPS button on Wi Fi router until the connection established Please refer your Wi Fi router indication Then press Next Method 2 AP Access Point Press No WPS button Manual settings for access point set up For detail Manual settings please refer to page 8 6 ߝࡸል Ꮲ ᗤġ5ġऌȄġӤਉ ۖีюြቁᖐȂ ΣġWi Fiġ೩ ည ԒȄ 7 ԃ ݎ ြቁᏢӵ Ȃ ࡸġ Yes Ȅġ ࠌࡸ No ۖ १ཱི ۖȄ ࠢ ڗ ᆩၯ ڍޟ ᆍП ݲ П ݲ ġ1 WPSġ...

Page 7: ...r have 5 seconds long beep sound press Yes Otherwise press No 3 Press Next 4 Refer Product Registration step on page 11 to continue Note ര ݧ ġ Below screen appears if press No on 1 or No on 2 Repeat from beginning step or refer to FAQ If connection attempts failed several times restart your router Ȇġԃ ݎ ӵ 1 ϛࡸġ No ܖ ӵ 2 ϛ ġġġࡸġ No ᗤȂོю౪оήห७Ȅġ ۖ ġġġ १ፒȂ ܖ Ճலَ ᚠȄ Ȇġԃ ݎ ӻԩ ѶఁȂ १ཱིంଢ଼ၯҥᏢȄ ࠢ ڗ ᆩၯП ݲ ġ1ġW...

Page 8: ... the smart devices are connected to the desired network Then press Next Note Only 2 4 GHz can be used 2 Enable the location access Follow phone setting to enable the location access Note ര ݧ Only 2 4 GHz can be used Ȇġѫ ٺ Ңġ2 4 GHzȄ Note ര ݧ Only for first time setup Ȇġ Ңܻॶԩ೩ညȄ ࠢ ڗ ᆩၯП ݲ ġ2ġAPġ Σᘈ Ȇġ ġ6 ॲϞП ݲ ġ2Ȅġԃ ؠݎ ԤġWPSġђ Ȃ Йଢ଼ ӤਉȄ 1 ጂ සኋ೩രϐ Σ ܚ ሯᆩၯȄġณࡣࡸġ Next Ȅ ġ ര ݧ Ȇġѫ ٺ Ңġ2 4 GHzȄ 2 ంҢ ည Ȅ ࡸ...

Page 9: ...nd is change pattern Then press Yes Otherwise press No 4 For certain smart devices which prompt for Wi Fi connection press Join or select Ceiling Fan wirelessAP from the Wi Fi list For other smart devices which do not prompt for Wi Fi connection please proceed to step 5 5 Press Next 3 ࡸል Ꮲΰ ޟ ġ Speed Ȅġጂᇯြቁᖐ ᡐϽ ԒȄġณࡣࡸġ Yes Ȅġ ࠌࡸ No Ȅ 4 ᄇܻඪҰġWi Fiġ ޟ සኋ೩രȂ ࡸġ Join ܖ ӵġWi FiġӖߒ ϛᒵᐅġ Ceiling Fan wire...

Page 10: ... ጆȄณࡣࡸġ Connect Ȅ 7 ጂᇯြቁᖐᡐ ġ5 ऌߝ ޟ ქქᖐȄġณࡣȂࡸġ Yes Ȅ ࠌࡸġ No Ȅ 8 ᎌҢܻġiOS සኋ೩ര ڗ ġWi FiġၯҥᏢȄġ ࡸġ Join Ȅ ĩAndroid ٺ Ң ޱ џоၰᙽ ڗ ġ 9 Īį 9 ࡸġ Next Ȅ Ճ ġ11ġॲ ޟ ࠢຝы Ȅ Note ര ݧ SSID Wi Fi network name Send Wi Fi connection settings from smart devices to ceiling fan SSID Wi Fi ᆩၯӪᆎ ġ සኋ೩ര ޟ ġWi Fiġ ೩ညีġ ġଚ ڗ ӤਉΰȄ Note ര ݧ Below screen appears if press No on 3 or No on 7 Repeat from beginning step or refer to...

Page 11: ... the App to set ceiling fan to enter Wi Fi setting mode 3 Press the Remote Control button The ceiling fan should change beeping sound to indicate that ceiling fan is connecting to the App Then press Yes Otherwise press No Note This may take up to a few minutes How to register product to smart devices ྸ Ჰឝ䁣 ۏ р䁱߀ ӵᔖҢแԒΰຝы ࠢ ġ ര ݧ Ȇġӵ ٺ Ңġ KDK Ceiling Fan ᔖҢแԒࠉሯौຝы ࠢȄ 1 ࡸġ Registration ᒵᐅΙএौຝы ޟ ࠢȄ ...

Page 12: ... Back to return to Main screen You can control the ceiling fan through the App now 4 ጂᇯြቁᖐᡐ ġ5 ऌߝ ޟ ქქᖐȄġԪࡣȂြቁᖐᔖ ୄХȄ ณࡣࡸġ Yes Ȅġ ࠌࡸ No Ȅ ġ ര ݧ Ȇġ џ ሯौඁϷមȄ 5 ю౪ຝыॲ७ਢȂ ᒯΣ ࠢӪᆎ ٮ ᒵᐅՍЍġ1ġಢ ຝыȂ ณࡣࡸġ Register Ȅ 6 ຝы ׇ ԙࡣȂϐຝы ࠢ ᡗҰӵġ Product registered ήȄ 7 ࡸ Back ߕӱкϭ७Ȅġ౪ӵௌџо ႆᔖҢแԒ ڙ Ӥਉ ΟȄ Note ര ݧ Below screen appears if press No on 3 or No on 4 Repeat from beginning step or refer to FAQ If this screen a...

Page 13: ...e App by pressing Delete product button If the product is registered by one or more user accounts schedule setting will remain If there is no other registered account schedule setting will be deleted This will not reset the network setting Note To reset network and ceiling fan schedule settings please refer page 26 How to use ྸ ֵ ٺ Ң KDK Ceiling Fan ᔖҢแԒ 1 ࡸ ᗤ кຊ Ȅ 2 ᡗҰкђ ߒȄ Connected product ᔮࢥ ࠢ...

Page 14: ...Edit group 5 Help For any inquiries on Help page user can access to Frequently Asked Question Instruction manual Terms of service Copyright information and view the App version as well 4 Group ᒵᐅདौಢӫӵΙଔ ޟ ੫ۡ ࠢȄџоӵġ Edit group ή ಢӪȄ 5 Help ԃԤӈդ ᚠȂҢИџоӵġ Help ॲ७ΰ Ɇலَ ᚠɇ ȃɆ ٺ ҢЙыɇȃɆ న ɇȃɆ ގ ၥଉɇȂ ߣࣼࢥٮ ᓃ แԒ ގ ҏȄ ...

Page 15: ...an ޣ Ӥਉឌ ၥଉȄġ Group section Group registered in the account တಢ ӵழИϛຝы ޟ ಢȄ All Control Control all products in the group simultaneously ڙ Ӓഋ ӣਢ ڙ ಢϛ ܚޟ Ԥ ࠢȄ Detail Setting Detail setting for fan and light ಠ೩ည ॳਉ ڷ ᐷӎ ޟ ಠ೩ည Ȅ Fan speed adjustment ॳਉഀ ᐌ Light brightness adjustment ᐷӎ ᐌ Light settings control only for E48GP īġᐷӎ೩ည ڙ ᎌ ġġġҢܻġE48GP ...

Page 16: ... Yuragi function On Off Yuragi ђ İᜰ Fan setting ॳਉ೩ည Light setting ᐷӎ೩ည Light On Off ᐷ İᜰ Scene setting ൟශ೩ည Night Light mode ۇ ᐷ Ԓ Light adjustment ᐷӎ ᐌ Color temperature adjustment Not applicable for Night Light Փྣ ᐌ ȞϚᎌҢܻ ۇ ᐷȟ Light Setting ᐷӎ೩ည 3 Level brightness adjustment 3ġ ᐌ Light On Off ᐷ İᜰ Scene setting ൟශ೩ည Normal Light mode ල ྱ Ԓ Swipe down өήྤ Schedule function ॎหђ Timer setting ॎਢᏢ೩ۡ R...

Page 17: ...eration button to enable Group control mode 4 Set the setting page 16 based on preferences 5 Press Apply Scene Setting 1 Press light setting 2 Press the scene setting 3 Select one of scene setting ಢ ڙ ೩ည ȆġҢИџо ႆΙԩᐇհ پ ܚڙ ԤϐຝыӤਉȄ 1 ӵкॲΰࡸġ All Control ᗤȄ 2 ᒵᐅॳਉ ܖ ᐷӎ ೩ညȞџоѫᄇॳਉ ܖ ᐷ ಢ ڙ Ȃ ܖ ᄇ Π ޱ ӣਢ ಢ ڙ ȟȄ 3 ࡸ Operation ࡸ໖ంҢಢ ڙ ԒȄ 4 ਲ਼ᐃ ԁ ೩ညĩ ġ16 ॲĪȄ 5 ࡸġ Apply Ȅ ൟශ೩ည 1 ࡸᐷӎ೩ညȄ 2 ࡸൟශ೩ညȄ 3 ᒵᐅΙএൟශ೩ညȄ Ligh...

Page 18: ...set 5 Select one of the scene setting to be replaced To edit preset name of scene 1 Press light setting 2 Press scene setting 3 Select Edit preset name 4 Select which scene to be renamed 5 Enter new scene name 6 Press OK ൟශ೩ည ġ17ġॲ ȆġҢИџоՌॏൟශ೩ညȄ 1 ࡸᐷӎ೩ညȄ 2 ਲ਼ᐃ ԁ ᐌᐷӎ೩ညȄ 3 ࡸൟශ೩ညȄ 4 ࡸġ Overwrite preset Ȅ 5 ᒵᐅΙএौ ޟ ൟශ೩ညȄ Ȇġጡᒮൟශ ޟ Ⴑ೩ӪᆎȄ 1 ࡸᐷӎ೩ညȄ 2 ࡸൟශ೩ညȄ 3 ᒵᐅġ Edit preset name Ȅ 4 ᒵᐅौ१ ڼ Ӫ ޟ ൟශȄ 5 ᒯΣཱི ޟ...

Page 19: ...imer Note OFF Timer can only be activated when ceiling fan is ON 1 Press timer function button 2 Set the required hours and minutes for the fan to turn OFF 3 Enable SLEEP MODE function Optional Sleep mode explanation at page 20 4 Press Done Note ര ݧ Sleep Mode can only be enabled in OFF Timer setting Ȇġᆃ Ԓѫ ӵॎਢᏢᜰ೩ညϛ ġġġంҢȄ ॎਢᏢ೩ۡ ȆġॎਢᏢ೩ည ᎌҢܻॳਉђ Ȅ ॎਢᏢ ం೩ည ġ ര ݧ Ȇġ ӵӤਉᜰഖਢȂПџంଢ଼ॎਢᏢ ంȄ 1 ࡸॎਢᏢђ ࡸ໖ġ Ȅ 2 ೩...

Page 20: ...n pattern of SLEEP MODE Fan reduces two speeds after every two hours minimum speed 1 until the Ceiling Fan is turned OFF Note SLEEP MODE can only use with OFF TIMER enabled To enable SLEEP MODE fan must be at least speed 2 and OFF timer must be at least 2 hours SLEEP MODE function is deactivated if TIMER SETTING is changed The above SLEEP MODE pattern is based on fan set at Speed 10 and OFF timer ...

Page 21: ...time to operate the schedule 4 Choose to set the schedule with fan only or light only or both 5 Press button of operation to enable or disable the function setting Set according to preference Light settings control only for E48GP īġᐷӎ೩ည ڙ ᎌ ġġġҢܻġE48GP ёॎห೩ည ġ ര ݧ ȆġӤਉശӻѫ Ԥġ42 এॎหȄ 1 ࡸॎგᗤ Ȅ 2 ࡸġ Add new schedule Ȅ ĩԃ ݎ ϐԤॎგȂ ࡸᒉᄍѡΰП ޟ ġ Ī 3 ᒵᐅၼ ॎห ޟ Р ڷ ਢ Ȅ 4 ᄇॳਉ ܖ ᄇᐷ پ ೩ညॎหȂ ܖ ᄇΠ ޱ ӣਢ೩ညॎหȄ 5 ࡸၼ ޟ ...

Page 22: ...Press Yes to complete the settings Edit Schedule Setting 1 Press the schedule button 2 Press Edit Select which schedule to edit 3 Set according to preference and press Done 4 Press Done button 5 Press Save 6 Press Yes ጡᒮॎห೩ည 1 ࡸॎგᗤ Ȅ 2 ࡸġ Edit Ȅġᒵᐅौጡᒮ ޟ ॎหȄ 3 ਲ਼ᐃএΡ ԁ ೩ညȂณࡣࡸġ Done Ȅ 4 ࡸ Done ࡸ໖Ȅ 5 ࡸġ Save Ȅ 6 ࡸġ Yes Ȅ ёॎห೩ည ġ21ġॲ 6 ᒵᐅఋࡡȄ ĩᒵᐅఋࡡ ӵ೩ညΟɆॳਉĮၼ ɇ ܖ ɆᐷӎĮၼ ɇࡣᡗҰȄĪ ณࡣࡸġ Done Ȅ 7 ࡸġ Save ጂᇯȄ 8 ࡸ...

Page 23: ... copy 3 Press Copy at the bottom of the screen 4 Choose the day you want to paste the copied setting then press Copy at the top right of the screen 5 Press Done 6 Press Save 7 Press Yes ፒᇧॎหȞ ڏڗ тР ȟ 1 ᒵᐅॎหࡸ໖ Ȃณࡣࡸġ Edit Ȅ 2 ᒵᐅौፒᇧ ޟ ॎหȄ 3 ࡸᒉᄍ ۻ ഋ ޟ Copy Ȅ 4 ᒵᐅौ ຮ ޟڗ Р ȂณࡣࡸᒉᄍѡΰП ޟ Copy Ȅ 5 ࡸġ Done Ȅ 6 ࡸġ Save Ȅ 7 ࡸġ Yes Ȅ ...

Page 24: ...u want to copy 4 Choose the product that you want to paste the copied setting then press Back 5 Press Copy 6 Press Done 7 Confirm copy destination fan name and press Save 8 Press Yes ፒᇧॎหȞ ڏڗ тॳਉȟ 1 ᒵᐅॎหࡸ໖ Ȃณࡣࡸġ Edit Ȅ 2 ࡸġ Copy all Ȅ 3 ᒵᐅौፒᇧ ޟ ॎหȄ 4 ᒵᐅौ ຮ ޟڗ ࠢȂณࡣࡸ Back Ȅ 5 ࡸġ Copy Ȅ 6 ࡸġ Done Ȅ 7 ጂᇯौፒᇧ ޟڗ Ҭ ॳਉӪᆎȂณࡣࡸ Save Ȅ 8 ࡸġ Yes Ȅ ...

Page 25: ...ॎห೩ည 1 ࡸॎგᗤ Ȅ 2 ࡸġ Edit Ȅ 3 ࡸ ࡸ໖ᒵᐅौւଶ ޟ ॎหȄ 4 ࡸ Delete ࡸ໖Ȅ 5 ࡸġ Done Ȅ 6 ࡸġ Save Ȅ 7 ࡸġ Yes Ȅ Note ര ݧ Schedule settings are stored in the server If uninstall the App from smart devices the settings will remain in the server To cancel the schedule settings properly can only do from the App itself before uninstall Ȇġॎห೩ည Ԇӵթ ᏢΰȄ Ȇġ ٺ ௌ සኋ೩രւଶΟ ᔖҢแԒȂ ڏ ೩ညϫ ӵթ ᏢΰȄ Ȇġӵ ڣ ၷᔖҢแԒࠉւଶॎห೩ညȂПџғጂӴ ॎห೩ညւଶȄ ...

Page 26: ... been registered and the schedule settings will be cleared 1 If the fan is rotating turn off using remote control 2 Long press Wi Fi button on remote control for 5 seconds Ceiling fan will have continuous beeping sound 3 Long press Reverse button on remote control for 5 seconds Ceiling fan will stop beeping 4 Screen will appear Offline If fan rotating ԃ ॳݎ ਉᙽଢ଼ How to cancel registration of ceiling fa...

Page 27: ...Your shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License Source form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications including but not limited to software source code documentation source and configuration files Object form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form including but not limited to compiled objec...

Page 28: ...opyright notice this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution 3 Neither the name s of the above listed copyright holder s nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ...

Page 29: ...ed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange or c Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer in accord with Subsection b above The sou...

Page 30: ...t the copyright line and a pointer to where the full notice is found one line to give the program s name and a brief idea of what it does Copyright C year name of author This program is free software you can redistribute it and or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation either version 2 of the License or at your option any later vers...

Page 31: ...31 Memo ...

Page 32: ...E48HP8002AM M0722 1082 Printed in Malaysia KDK Company Division of PES Head Office 4017 Takaki cho Kasugai Aichi Japan KDK Company Division of PES 2022 ...
