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If pushing button no. 3, user can talk via entrance door camera together with
voice introduction that "you can talk with Home server", after calling from Home server
and connected to Home server.
7.1.4 to set Guard
7.1.4 to set Guard
7.1.4 to set Guard
7.1.4 to set Guard
If pushing button no. 4, all guard is set together with voice introduction
that "all guard is set", after calling to Home server and connected to Home server. And
if pushing Button no 4 again, all guard is disarmed together with voice introduction that
"all guard is disarmed"
7.1.5 to disarm Guard and to open Door lock
7.1.5 to disarm Guard and to open Door lock
7.1.5 to disarm Guard and to open Door lock
7.1.5 to disarm Guard and to open Door lock
If pushing button no. 5, all guard is disarmed and Door is opened together with
voice introduction that "all guard is disarmed and Door is opened", after calling to Home
server and connected to Home server.
And if pushing Button no 5 again, Guard is disarmed and Door is opened after calling
from Home server and connected to Home server.
7.1.6 to turn on and off Siren and Emergency light
7.1.6 to turn on and off Siren and Emergency light
7.1.6 to turn on and off Siren and Emergency light
7.1.6 to turn on and off Siren and Emergency light
If pushing button no. 6, Siren is activating and Emergency light is twinkling as
well, after calling to Home server and connected to Home server. And if pushing Button
no 6 again, Siren and Emergency light is stoped.
If pushing button no. 6, Siren is activating and Emergency light is twinkling as
well, after calling from Home server and connected to Home server. And if pushing
Button no 6 again, Siren and Emergency light is stoped.
7.1.7 to record Voice
7.1.7 to record Voice
7.1.7 to record Voice
7.1.7 to record Voice
After calling to Home server and connected to Home server, if pushing button
no. 7, voice introduction is coming as like "after beep sound, please record your voice
and when you finish, push "*" button". Voice recording time is max 2 sec". Accordingly,
with beep sound, record your voice and if pushing "*" button, voice recording is stopped.
After calling from Home server and connected to Home server, voice can be recorded
after pushing Button no 7, hearing voice introduction and pushing button "*".
7.1.8 to register telephone no
7.1.8 to register telephone no
7.1.8 to register telephone no
7.1.8 to register telephone no
After calling to Home server and connected to Home server, if pushing button
no. 8, voice introduction is coming as like "after entering your telephone no, please push
"*" button". At this moment, after entering registered telephone no, telephone no can be
registered if pushing "*" button. Additional registration is same procedures as the before.