Closing hindrance standard
Closing hindrance special
Default, corresponds to the standard setting, LED32 not lit.
This setting is reset after a RESET (standard)
* The selection applies to the standard lock.
R Only active after RESET
No.1 One-way operation
In the lock-up position, the door is locked.
In the lock-up position, the door is unlocked.
No.2 Light output on terminal 24
In the position lock-up of the program switch, all the control elements trigger an impulse
during 60 seconds on this output.
Alarm output on terminal 24
This output is actuated if an error is detected (Refer to chapter 5.2.4), The output is activated
until the error has been eliminated.
No.3 Gong on terminal 23
If the infrared light detector LS1 is cut, this output is actuated for an impulse lasting for 1
second at the interval of 0.5 second.
Interlock input/output on the terminal 23
For standard interlock refer to chapter 5.5
No.4 Standard interlock
Master lock: When require interlocking, one sliding door( normally the inside one) has to be
defined as master control system. Under this circumstance, the two soft switch No. 3 has to be
set to ON.
No.5 Emergency- open instead of emergency-close
The setting is ON, the signal input of terminal 12 makes the sliding door emergency opened. The
order makes the door leaf open the door at the set speed at any position & program/selection
position. Emergency-open has the highest priority. i.e., higher than switch lock, manual
emergency unlocking and interlock.
No.6 Full battery-powered emergency mode (OFF)
As soon as mains power failure occurs, the sliding door is automatically and without interruption
switched to battery-powered emergency operation or to the back-up power network. The sliding
functions have any restriction until the exhaustive discharge limit of the emergency battery has
been reached. For the last action, please refer to the soft switch no.7.
Only open or close action (ON)
When the sliding door has been switched over to the emergency battery mode, one last opening or
closing movement is carried out, depending on the soft switch No.7.
NO.7 Open or close in the event of a power failure (See soft switch No. ON)
The sliding door is closed and locked at the lock-up position. The door is open at any other
position. If the one-way in/out lock has been selected, and the door is open, the lock remains