Team A, which begins, shares the six throwing sticks out equally within the team. The players stand
behind their own baseline and, in any order, try to knock over the blocks (baseline blocks) standing on
Team B's baseline. When all the sticks have been thrown, the blocks that have been knocked over are
thrown over the centre line by team B into team A's half of the field and are then raised where they land.
The opponents now have more blocks to knock over!
These blocks are now called “field blocks” and are raised up by team A. If a block that has been thrown
back lands outside of Team A's half of the field, Team B has two more attempts to throw in the block. If
these throws should fail, team A may place the block anywhere in their half of the field, however, not
within the area around the King (but behind the King is not a bad idea). NOTE: The blocks must not be
placed closer to the King or a corner block than one throwing stick length. At least half of the block must
be inside Team A's half of the field to be accepted.
It is now Team B's turn to throw the sticks. First they have to knock over their “field blocks” on the
opposing team's half of the field before Team A's “baseline blocks” may be knocked over. If a thrower
accidentally knocks over a “baseline block" before all field blocks have been knocked over, the “baseline
block” is raised again.
The “field blocks" that have been knocked over are taken out of the game.
If the team fails to knock over all their re-thrown “field blocks”, the opposing team moves forward to an
imaginary line through the foremost blocks and throws from there! If next time the team knocks down all
of their blocks, the opposing team returns to its original baseline.
Ending the game
The game continues alternately until one team knocks down all the opposing team's blocks and then
knocks down the King (to be knocked down from the baseline), after which the game is finished and the
team has won!
Alternative ending of the game
Before the last block is knocked over on either side, everyone gets ready. When it falls, both teams
attempt to knock over the King. Watch out for flying sticks. Thrown sticks may be picked up and thrown
again from the appropriate baseline. The winner is of course the team that knocks over the King!
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