Anchor Point
The anchor point of the system comprises this product should preferably
be located above the user or should at least at the waist level of the user. An
attachment point below this level will cause a serious injury or death. The
anchor point must conform to the requirements of the EN 795 standard
and the minimum strength of it must be 12 kN.
Various Situation
- Static rope shall be used as a part of a fall arrest or rescue system.
- In a fall-arrest system, it is essential to check the required clearance
under the user before each use, to avoid any impact with the ground or an
obstacle in case of a fall.
- Make sure that the anchor point is correctly positioned, in order to limit
the risk and the height of a fall.
- When using multiple pieces of equipment together, a dangerous situation
can result if the safety function of one piece of equipment is affected by the
safety function of another piece of equipment.
- Users must be medically fit for activities at height. warning, improper use
of the static rope may result in fatal accidents or death.
- The instructions for use for each item of equipment used in conjunction
with this product must be respected.
- The instructions for use must be provided to users of this equipment in
the language of the country in which the product is to be used.
A unique technology of terminating ropes. The core and the sheath
contamination, hardly recognizable hairiness.oroccasional use (several
times a year) with high intensity of use, mechanical loading (suspension,
occasional lowering or rappelling), without fall arrest.Signs of use: slight
wear, contamination, negligible hairiness.
8-10 years
Occasional use (several times a year) with an intensity which is not worth
mentioning, without considerable mechanical loading or fall arrest, without
recognizable wear or contamination.
Loading by falls or other strong mechanical, physical, climatic or chemical
effects can damage the rope so heavily that it must be withdrawn from use
immediately.The rope must be withdrawn from use immediately also in case
the user has the slightest doubt about the safety and the perfect condition of
the rope.
10- Identification and Marking of Static Ropes
There is an identification tape or marker thread inside the rope. The identifica-
tion tape contains the following information repeatedly: rope manufacturer:
KAYA SAFETYrope made in accordance with: EN 1891rope type: type A or type
B rope material: (PA – polyamide, PES - Polyester)year of manufacture
11- Adverse effects on the life span of static ropes
If a polyamide rope becomes wet or if a wet rope freezes up, its static
and dynamic properties are significantly reduced. Avoid leading the rope over
sharp edges (both natural and artificial, e.g. progressive belaying with an
extremely small diameter of the contact area of the belaying element). Do not
use the rope if it has been mechanically or chemically damaged. Every knot
in a rope reduces its strength – use recommended knots only. UV radiation
reduces the strength of materials from which the rope is made.
Do not use the rope if there is any doubt about conditions of its safe use.
Such a product may be used again only if a competent person confirms in
writing that it is acceptable to do so.Warning: Shrinkage is a natural property
of polyamide fibres. Kernmantel ropes shrink as a result of effects of moisture
(steam, raindrops, ...), external conditions (immersion of the rope in water,
e.g. in canyoning, ...) and way of using the rope (top rope belaying, ...). The
shrinkage of ropes can make up to 10% of the rope length in extreme cases.
12- Other Reasons for Rejection of the Rope
Damaged fibres of the rope sheath in one place, hard spots under the rope
sheath indicating the possibility of local damages to the core or local changes
in rope diameter (bulges, narrow portions, etc.), clusters of fused fibres in the
rope sheath, direct contact with high temperature, rope exceeded the life span
recommended by the manufacturer.
13- Storage and transportation
The rope shall be stored away from heat sources and direct sunlight.
Recommended relative humidity and temperature within the storeroom
should be 60% and 20°C, respectively. For transportation of the rope, it is
recommended to use a packaging that will protect the rope from damage,
dirt or contamination by aggressive substances. In case of present-time
advanced materials (polyamide 6, polyamide 6.6), a considerable adverse
change of properties of the product in a time interval of 5 years can be
excluded provided that optimum storage conditions are maintained.
14- Static ropes are being tested in conformity with EN 1891.
Designation of ropes according to this standard, for instance: A 10,5 mm
means – rope type A (or type B), rope diameter 10,5 mm (expressed in
millimetres always).
15- Way of rope Dividing or Shortening
Each end of the rope is terminated by the manufacturer with COMPACT
TERMINATION. It is a unique technology of terminating ropes. The core and
the sheath are connected into a single compact unit in the last 15 mm of
the rope length. If the user divides the rope, the rope must be terminated so
as the core and the sheath to form a single unit (e.g., by melting the ends
above an alcohol burner or cutting the ends with a hot knife). The rope ends
must have no sharp edges. After shortening (cutting), both rope ends shall
be equipped with external tapes with the following information: rope type A
or B according to EN 1891, rope diameter in mm, example: A 12 mm, number
of standard: EN 1891.
The belaying system should incorporate a reliable anchor point above
the user. The user must avoid any sag of the rope between the user and
the anchor point. For rope intended for use in fall arrest systems, it is
essential for safety that the anchor device or anchor point (according to
EN 795 with the strenght at min 12kN) should be always positioned and
the work carried out in such a way as to minimize both the potential for
falls and potential fall distance.
For rope intended for use in fall arrest systems, it is essential for safety
to verify the free space required beneath the user at the workplace before
each occasion of use so that, in the case of a fall, there will be no collision
with the ground or other obstacle in the fall path. The proper function of
the rope may be affected by extremes of temperature, looping or trailing
of the rope over sharp edges, chemical reagents, electrical conductivity,
abrasion, exposure to adverse climatic effects, pendulous motion during
a fall, etc.
In case of climbing activities where risk of falls is frequently imminent
(mountaineering or speleology), the use of dynamic ropes meeting the
requirements of EN 892 Mountaineering equipment – Dynamic mountain-
eering ropes should be considered.When using the rope as a belaying
element, also other European Standards shall be taken into account:
EN 353-2 Personal protective equipment against falls from a height –
Guided type fall arresters including a flexible anchor line.EN 341 Personal
protective equipment against falls from a height – Descender devices.(EN
341 is not covered by 89/686/EEC PPE directive, devices are not accepted
as PPE)EN 365 Personal protective equipment against
falls from a height.
– General requirements for instructions for use, maintenance, periodic
examination, repair, marking and packaging. EN 361 Personel protective
equipment against falls from a height – Full body harnesses
18-Rope inspection
Ropes that are used separately or in a protective system for prevention of
falls from a height and into a depth, have to be examined by the manufac-
turer or a competent person authorized by the manufacturer at least once
every twelve months. The manufacturer shall not be held responsible for
any accident which was caused by the use of a damaged rope which was
to be withdrawn from use. Ropes withdrawn from use must be marked
or deteriorated in a way which will guarantee that further use of the ropes
will be made impossible. It is essential for the safety of the user that if
the rope is re-sold outside the original country of destination, the reseller
shall provide the user with instructions for use, maintenance, periodic
examination and repair in the language of the country in which the product
is to be used.
Supplementary information regarding standard; EN 365
Rescue Plan
A worker who has been incapacitated by an injury or medical condition and
who is suspended by the fall arrest harness must e rescued immediately.
So you must always have a rescue plan for such emergencies. For this
adequately trained personnel and rescue equipment must be on hand.