KATflow 150 Quick Start Manual
• Avoid installation of sensors in the vicinity of deformations and pipe
defects, near welding seams or where deposits could have accumu-
• Select a measuring point with sufficient straight pipe to obtain ac-
curate measurements. Please consult the manual for the recom-
mended distances from sources of disturbance.
• For a horizontal pipe, mount the sensors on the side of the pipe. For
a vertical pipe, mount the sensors at a location where the liquid
flows upwards (Pic. 1).
• Mount the sensors in the direction of the flow (Pic. 2).
• Clean the pipe at the measurement point. Remove loose paint and
rust with a wire brush or file.
• Apply coupling paste to the face of the clamp-on sensors before
attaching them to the pipe.
Setup Wizard CH1 to set up the
measurement channel 1, or
CH2 for
channel 2. Confirm selection by pres-
ENTER. If the sensors are recog-
nised, the serial number will be shown.
Ifnot, the type can be selected.
1. Mounting points
2. Flow direction
Sensor Mounting Configuration
Reflection Mode
The flowmeter uses an even number
of passes. This is the most conveni-
ent mounting arrangement, as the
transducer separation distance can
be measured very easily and the
sensors can be accurately aligned.
Use whenever possible (Pic. 3).
3. Reflection mode (from above)
Diagonal Mode
Signal travels on an odd number of
passes through the pipe. A single
pass can be used for larger pipes
and for dirty/aerated liquids where
greater signal attenuation can occur.
The sensor distance on this moun-
ting configuration can be negative
(sensors overlapping) (Pic. 4).
Step 3: Quick Start Menu and Setup Wizard
At first power on and the boot se-
quence, the
Main Menu is displayed.
Use the
UP and DOWN cursor keys to
Quick Start and confirm by
Enter the fluid temperature using the
keypad. Confirm by pressing
UP key as a backspace to correct
for entry errors.
Select fluid using cursor keys. Con-
firm by pressing
Enter pipe wall thickness using the
keypad and confirm with
UP key as a backspace to correct for
entry errors.
Enter the outer pipe diameter using
the keypad and confirm with
UP key as backspace to correct
for entry errors. If "0" is entered and
confirmed, an additional screen ap-
pears that allows entry of the circum-
ference. Press
ENTER to confirm. The
flowmeter will then confirm the
Diameter, values can be changed if
Select the pipe material using the cur-
sor keys and confirm with
Select the main measurement unit
using the cursor keys and confirm
ENTER. This unit will be dis-
played in the middle of the measure-
ment screen. Selecting
OFF deactivates
the measurement channel.
• Show
NEXT (1) available item
(2) = Start totaliser function
• Show next
DISPlay (3)
(8) = Stop totaliser function
DIRECT (9) access to trend plot
• Move menu/selection item
• Move menu/selection item
ESCape entry without saving
ENTER selection with saving
Step 1: Measurement Point and Pipe Preparation
4. Diagonal mode (from above)
• The flowmeter can be prepared for measurement with the
Wizard as found in the Quick Start menu.
Step 2: Keyboard Familiarisation
Select pipe liner material usingcursor
keys and confirm by pressing
If a liner material is chosen, an additi-
onal screen appears that allows entry
of liner thickness.
KATflow 150
Quick Start Manual