The footprint is the reception area on the earth that a satellite covers with its transmission beam (spot),
within which satellite reception is possible. The transmission power is at its greatest in the centre of
this spot – it becomes progressively weaker moving outwards.
You should preferably align your antenna to the position of the ASTRA satellite 19.2° East (picture
below left), EUTELSAT/HOTBIRD 13° East (picture below right). The spots for these satellites are
shown below.
The satellites broadcast the various channel packages in different
footprints. The respective channel packages can normally be received
within these footprint zones. In the marginal zones, reception is possible,
although because of a variety of infl
uencing factors this cannot be
guaranteed. The quality of the channels received can vary considerably
(for instance due to environmental factors).
The inner line of the
footprint here shows the
area covered with digital
signals by the ASTRA
The outer dashed
line of the footprint
displayed here shows
the area that is covered
by individual ASTRA
satellite Therefore not all
channels are available
within this footprint.