Storage (7 days or longer)
After the unit has been operated and before it is stored again, it should be flushed with a mem-
brane preservative solution as outlined below.
Never let the membrane dry out. Be sure to follow these storage instructions.
1. Turn the unit upside down, with the intake strainer out of the water.
2. Fill a suitable container with about a quart (approximate 1 liter) of clean water. Freshwater is
preferable, but clean seawater can be used if freshwater is not available.
3. Mix one spoonful (10 grams) of the membrane preservative with water until dissolved.
4. Place the intake strainer into the membrane preservative solution, and pump until water starts
flowing out of the reject hose (indicating that the membrane housing is filled). Stop pumping
immediately after water begins to flow from the reject hose.
5. If seawater was used to mix the membrane preservative solution, repeat the above procedure
with freshwater as soon as it is available.
6. Rinse any membrane preservative solution off the outside of the unit.
For your safety, we require that the above procedure be completed
once a
. Please be aware to use
membrane preservatives supplied by Katadyn for your
product. Other products like chlorine-based products will damage your membrane.