To install the Redwood nozzle, make sure the Y Insert
(Part D4) is installed and seated properly into the
nozzle. Push the nozzle down over the cone assembly
(it may require light taps with a rubber mallet to seat
properly). Next, use the 3 Self Tapping Screws (Part
D1) provided in the 3 holes on the nozzle and tighten
the screws into the cone assembly. Once you feel
resistance, two more turns will be suffi cient. To install
the Spruce nozzle, follow the same steps, but do not
install the Y Insert.
The power cord should now be attached to the stub
cord by lining up the male and female halves of the
disconnect and hand tightening the blue collar. On
these cords, the Additional Strain Relief should be
attached to one of the lower fl oat brackets as pictured.
If there is not Strain Relief, use the Nylon Cable Tie
provided to secure the cord to a rope to prevent dam-
age by the propeller. If installing a new Quick Dis-
connect, please refer to Quick Disconnect instructions.
EVX Pattern Size Chart
V-shaped display.
2.0 m
7.3 m
Center the Top Screen (Part B10) inside the three Top
Float Brackets. Attach the screen by spanning each
Top Screen Clip (Part B11) across the two innermost
rings on the screen and the hole in the fl oat bracket.
Insert the Brass Screws (Part B14) and attach with
1/4” Lock Washers and 1/4” Nuts to secure the screen
to the fl oat assembly.
Position the Bottom Screen (Part B9) over the fl oat so
the motor housing (can) passes through the large hole
in the center of the screen. Remove the center three
Lock Nuts from the 9” Bolts and place the Bottom
Screen Clips (Part B13) over the bolts as shown. The
power cord can be slid under the bottom screen where
two fl oat sections come together before the Lock Nuts
are replaced. Replace the three inside Lock Nuts and
tighten all 3/8” Lock Nuts using the 9/16” (14mm)
wrench and socket.
Note: Extra hardware may be included
Return the unit to its upright position and select a
nozzle (See Nozzle and Pattern Options). Select the
proper Shaft Bolt (Part D2) and insert the Shaft Bolt
into the Nozzle Head so it fi ts snugly into the molded
socket. Install the Nozzle by threading it into the inner
cone of the pump. Make sure to tighten the Nozzle all
the way down.