The carer’s hands are free and they can continue their daily
activities and chores, such as shopping, attending to other
children etc.
Kari Me
makes daily travelling with a baby smooth and easy
and is especially useful for holiday travel.
Kari Me
is lightweight and small, making it very easy to
carry around.
With four possible positions,
Kari Me
is more versatile than any
other product currently on the market, allowing front and side
Kari Me
allows breast-feeding while carrying the baby.
Kari Me
carrier can be used by infants from birth
up to 3-4 years old or 15 Kg (33lb) toddlers.
The product is suitable for different body shapes and
sizes of both parent and child.
Its organic and natural feeling is created by the
composition of its fabric (over 90 percent cotton)
and the simplicity of the product.
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