9.800-103.0 - M • Karcher HDS 615-617
WARNING: Some de ter gents
may be harm ful if in haled or
in gest ed, caus ing severe nau-
sea, faint ing or poi son ing. The
harm ful el e ments may cause
prop er ty dam age or severe
Use detergent de signed
spe cifi cal ly for pres sure washers.
House hold de ter gents could dam-
age the pump. Pre pare detergent
so lu tion as required by the man u fac-
tur er. Fill a container with pres sure
wash er de ter gent. Place the fi l ter
end of de ter gent suc tion tube into
the de ter gent con tain er.
Open detergent metering valve.
Detergent will be drawn into
the pump and coil and discharged
under pres sure. Never use any thing
that will damage the pump and coil.
With the engine run ning,
pull trig ger to op er ate ma chine.
Liq uid detergent is drawn into the
ma chine and mixed with water. Apply de ter gent to work
area. Do not al low de ter gent to dry on sur face.
IMPORTANT: You must fl ush the detergent from
your machine af ter each use by plac ing the suc tion
tube into a buck et of clean water and then run ning
the pres sure wash er for 1-2 min utes.
If you run the engine on your pres sure wash er for 3-5
min utes with out pressing the trig ger on the spray gun,
cir cu lat ing water in the pump can reach high tem per a-
tures. When the water reaches this tem per a ture, the
pump pro tec tor engages and cools the pump by dis-
charg ing the warm water onto the ground. This ther mal
de vice pre vents internal dam age to the pump.
Pre-rinse clean ing surface with fresh water. Place de-
ter gent suc tion tube di rect ly into clean ing solution and
ap ply to sur face at low pressure (for best re sults, lim it
your work area to sec tions ap prox i mate ly 6 feet square
and always ap ply de ter gent from bottom to top). Allow
de ter gent to re main on sur face 1-3 min utes. Do not
al low de ter gent to dry on sur face. If sur face appears
to be dry ing, sim ply wet down sur face with fresh wa ter.
If need ed, use brush to re move stub born dirt. Rinse at
high pres sure from top to bot tom in an even sweep ing
mo tion keep ing the spray nozzle ap prox i mate ly 1 foot
from clean ing sur face. Use over lap ping strokes as you
clean and rinse any sur face. For best surface clean ing
action spray at a slight an gle.
• Before cleaning any surface, an inconspicuous
area should be cleaned to test spray pattern and
dis tance for maximum cleaning results.
• If painted surfaces are peeling or chipping, use
ex treme caution as pressure washer may re move
the loose paint from the surface.
• Keep the spray nozzle a safe distance from the
sur face you plan to clean. High pressure wash a
small area, then check the surface for damage. If
no dam age is found, continue to pressure wash-
CAUTION - Never use:
• Bleach, chlorine products and other corrosive
chem i cals
• Liquids containing solvents (i.e., paint thinner,
gas o line, oils)
• Tri-sodium phosphate products
• Ammonia products
• Acid-based products
These chemicals will harm the machine and will dam-
age the surface being cleaned.
It will take a few sec onds for the de ter gent to clear.
Apply safe ty latch to spray gun. Re move black soap
noz zle from the quick cou pler. Select and in stall the
de sired high pres sure noz zle.
You can also stop
de ter gent from fl ow ing by sim ply re mov ing de ter gent
si phon tube from bottle.