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Multi Channel Amplifiers
• HIGH LEVEL: The amplifier features current sensing technology with the A
channel input. The ReM (item 4) wire connection is not required with the As
selector (item 8) set in the high position.
High level in adapter wire setup
High level in
Use the high level output from the source unit and the HIGH LEVEL-IN
AdApTeR supplied with the amplifier. splice the source unit speaker wires
to HIGH LEVEL-IN Adapter’s terminal block on the adapter. Be sure to
connect the car audio’s system (+) wiring to the terminal block (+) and the
(-) car audio system to the (-) terminal block for each the LEFT (L) and RIGHT
(R). Plug the HIGH LEVEL-IN wire adapter into the amplifier. Set the AS
selector switch (item 8) to the “Hi” position.
Power Terminals
- please take proper measures during installation to
protect the power wires as best you can. For example, when running the
power cable from the vehicle’s battery through the firewall, use a firewall
bushing for protection. Run the power wire through the interior of the
vehicle, under the carpet, and to the amplifier. if this is something that you
do not feel comfortable doing, please ask a professional to help you. be
sure to lay the power wire away from all signal cables.
(Item 3): This is the main power input for the amplifier and must
be connected directly to the positive terminal of the car battery for the
amplifier to operate properly. it is important that a main fuse is installed a
maximum of 8” from the battery.
Cable size
4ga AWG
4ga AWG
4 - 2ga AWG
external Fuse
40 amps
60 amps
80 amps