Plumb Down
The Plumb Down feature enables you to center the Rotary
Laser onto a selected point. It is much easier to use this
feature if you set up the Rotary Laser on a tripod with a
hollow connecting bolt.
1. Set up the Rotary Laser on a tripod.
2. Move the tripod and Rotary Laser so that they are
approximately above the selected point.
3. Level the Rotary Laser as in Horizontal Setup.
4. Turn the Rotary Laser
5. Move the Plumb Down beam onto the selected point on
the ground by raising and lowering the tripod legs.
6. Level the Rotary Laser again and adjust the Plumb Down
beam with the tripod legs as in step 5.
7. Repeat step 6 until the Plumb Down beam is sufficiently
accurate for your purposes.
8. If you wish to transfer a point to the ceiling, use the Plumb
Up beam once the Rotary Laser is accurately centered.
Changing Rotation Speed
The laser beam is more visible when the rotation speed is slower.
Change the speed of the rotating laser head by pressing the
Speed control button. The default option is 600 rpm. Pressing
on the Speed control button moves the speed cycle a step
forward (600 0 60 120 300 600 rpm)
To transfer a level mark over long distances or in poor
visibility, the rotation can be stopped (speed = 0 rpm). The
laser beam can then be accurately positioned using the
Rotation Left and Rotation Right buttons.