and will only allow you to transmit if the channel is not already in use.
Untick all options boxes except allow talk around.
“Emergency System” select none
“Contact Name” determines the talk group that will be transmitted
“Group List” determines which talk group(s) will be received
“Color Code” is like a digital CTCSS, all amateur DMR systems use a value of 1
“Repeater Slot” determines the timeslot that will be used
“Privacy” select none
If the channel is an analog one, CTCSS parameters can be set in the analog data window. Just
set the required CTCSS tone frequency in the Enc box.
New channels can be added by clicking the add button at the bottom of the panel. The new channel
will be appended to the end of the list. The list cannot be sorted or re-ordered.
August 2015 Page