Regularly updating the anti-virus database, installing updated program modules
(patches), and upgrading program versions are critical factors for keeping your
network constantly protected from any threats.
The Kaspersky Lab web-based anti-virus database is updated on an hourly
basis. We strongly recommend that you update your anti-virus database with the
same frequency and install all program patches in a timely fashion.
To update anti-virus database and program modules of the applications
managed through Kaspersky
Administration Kit, you have to create a global task
to Kaspersky
Administration Kit to retrieve updates. Kaspersky Administration Kit
will download the updated database and modules from an update source,
according to the global task settings. The downloaded updates will be stored on
the Administration server in public folder Updates from where they can be
automatically distributed across the client computers and slave Administration
servers immediately after the updating has been completed. The public access
folder is created during the installation of the Administration server. By default it
is the
folder located in the Administration server component installation
(<Drive>:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Administration Kit)
The updates are distributed on the client computers using the application
updating tasks. Updating of the slave Servers is performed using the task of
receiving updates by the Administration server. These tasks can be launched
automatically immediately after receiving the updates by the master Server
irrespective of the schedule setup in the task settings.
5.1. Receiving updates by the
Administration server
The Receiving updates by the Administration server task is a global task and
only one instance of this task can be created. This task is created and run only
for one computer - the computer on which the Administration server is installed.