13.0 Guidelines on How to Measure
The following information is presented to help users operate their
Aeroqual monitor with an ozone sensor installed in the most effective
and efficient manner.
Ozone is heavier than air and tends to sink. Thus detection
of leaks from ozone generating equipment should be per-
formed at the most appropriate position.
Ozone will react and decompose on surfaces such as walls,
furniture etc.
Smell is not a reliable test for the presence or concentration
of ozone as the odour threshold varies widely between peo-
ple and is affected by local ambient conditions.
Permanent Controller Placement
The Aeroqual Ozone Controller has been designed to meas-
ure the ambient concentration of ozone. The controller must
not be placed directly in an ozone stream.
For indoor local area monitoring attach the controller to an
inert surface with the inlet unobstructed.
For leak detection mount the unit near the ozone equipment.
Ensure that the controller is protected from excessive water
splashing, dust, vibration, excessive heat or cold, high con-
centrations of ozone and excessive swings in humidity.
False Readings
The Aeroqual Ozone Controller has been designed to re-
spond selectively to ozone, however other oxidizing gases
such as chlorine and nitrogen dioxide can generate false
readings if they are at high concentrations. High concentra-
tions of hydrocarbon gases such as vapours of alcohol, oils
and solvents can reduce and mask the concentration of