If you wish the stabilizer may be attached without
removing the covering. This will make shipping
easier if that is in your future plans. To do this skip
the following sequence, bolt the stabilizer in place
with the hold down screws, cover with wax paper
and proceed to the rudder installation.
Using a sharp razor knife, carefully slice through
the covering on the top of the stabilizer about ¼-
inch inside the lines. Try not to slice into the wood,
as this would weaken the structure. Peel away the
Cover the stabilizer-mating surface with a thin
layer of epoxy.
Cover the fuselage-mating surface with wax paper
to prevent the excess epoxy from gluing the
stabilizer support to the fuselage. Assemble the
stabilizer and its mating surface using the drawn
lines for alignment. Install on the wax paper
covered fuselage and carefully line up the tail post.
Verify the alignment with the string as before and
allow curing. Clean the excess epoxy with a paper
towel moistened with alcohol.
Carefully insert the rudder/tail-post. As was done
with the stabilizer mark the outline of the fuselage
with a felt tip pen.
Cut the covering as before ¼-inch below the line
and remove.