Epoxy the supplied tank support rails in place
as shown. The rear rail should touch the wing
tube support doubler. The front rail should be
approximately 2 ½- inches behind the firewall.
Install the fuel tank using a small amount of
RTV silicone on the rails. Rubber bands or a
Popsicle stick may be used across the top for
additional support. If your choice of engine
has electronic ignition such as the BRISON
3.2, you may wish to slide the tank to the side
to allow room for the module and battery. You
will have to cut a small notch in the bottom of
the canopy deck directly over the tank for
Using a 1/8-inch drill, locate and drill the holes
for the control horns in the rudder and
elevators. Use the dimensions below, notice
that the horn backing ring touches the back of
the beveled edge.
Slide the hinges ½ way into the fin and
stabilizer. Insert a pin at the hinge line, this
will prevent the hinge from sliding too far in
when the control surface is pushed on.