Remove the tape from the servo wire pull string
at the center of the wing. Work the string through
the exit hole in the wing bottom and secure.
Measure the dihedral brace, locate and mark its
center. Insert a pin in the edge of the brace at the
mark. Because there is no dihedral there is no top
or bottom to the brace.
Trial fit the dihedral brace in its box in both wing
panels. The brace should have a snug fit, sand
lightly if necessary.
The following steps must be done quickly before
the epoxy has time to set up. Read the procedure
and gather the materials before starting.
Mix a small amount of 30-minute epoxy. Spread
the epoxy in the dihedral box top, bottom, and
sides about 1 inch in on both wing panels. The
snug fit of the brace will push it down the box.
Apply epoxy to one half of the wing spar and
slide it into position. Spread the epoxy that oozes
out over the wing mating surface as well as the
other half of the wing spar. Slide the other wing
panel in place, remove the pin and wipe off the
excess epoxy with a paper towel moistened with