ULTRAFLOW® 54 DN150-300
Kamstrup A/S
Technical description
Straight inlet
ULTRAFLOW® 54 requires neither straight inlet nor outlet in order to fulfil the Measuring Instruments Directive (MID)
2014/32/EU and EN 1434:2015. Only in case of heavy flow disturbances before the meter will a straight inlet section be
necessary. We recommend following the guidelines in CEN CR 13582.
Optimal position can be obtained by taking the below-mentioned installation methods into consideration:
Figure 14
For general information concerning installation see CEN report
CEN CR 13582, Heat meter installation. Instructions in
selection, installation and use of heat meters
A Recommended flow sensor position.
B Recommended flow sensor position.
C Unacceptable position due to risk of air
D Acceptable
Unacceptable position in open systems
due to risk of air build-up.
E A flow sensor ought not be placed
immediately after a valve, with the
exception of block valves (full bore ball
valve type), which must be fully open when
not used for blocking.
F A flow sensor ought not be placed
immediately before (on the suction side)
or immediately after a pump (on the
pressure side).
G A flow sensor ought not be placed
immediately after a double bend in two